Monday, July 27, 2020

An Overview of Social Anxiety Disorder

An Overview of Social Anxiety Disorder August 01, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children In This Article Table of Contents Expand Types Symptoms and Diagnosis Causes Treatment Coping and Self-Help In Children and Teens Social anxiety disorder (SAD)  involves a fear of social and performance situations in which others may negatively judge you. Although its common for people to experience some nervousness or feel butterflies in their stomach, most people with the disorder are extremely self-conscious and have physical symptoms such as nausea, shaking, or feeling faint when they are around people or performing. Luckily, there are strategies that help take control of the situation. Illustration by Brianna Gilmartin, Verywell Types The current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) differentiates between what used to be known as generalized versus specific SAD by adding the specifier performance only, meaning that a person only experiences anxiety in performance situations.?? Generalized Social Anxiety Those with  fears about most social and performance situations were previously categorized as having generalized social anxiety disorder in the DSM-IV, including the following: speaking to authority figuresgoing on datesstarting conversations  giving speeches They are usually uncomfortable around anyone but their closest family members or friends. Generalized SAD  is considered to be more severe than performance-only social anxiety disorder and is usually accompanied by greater impairment in day-to-day functioning. Performance-Only Social Anxiety A person with performance-only SAD will have anxiety and fear linked to only performance situations. For instance, a person could have a fear of public speaking but experience no anxiety in casual social gatherings. This form of social anxiety can still be extremely harmful, as it may limit you from career advancement or other performance-related achievements.?? People who only fear performance situations tend to be different from those with generalized social anxiety disorder in terms of how old they are when they first experience anxiety, the physical symptoms they experience, and how they respond to treatment. Symptoms and Diagnosis The symptoms of social anxiety disorder fall into three categories: physical (e.g., blushing, sweating, and shaking)cognitive (e.g., negative thoughts and beliefs)behavioral (e.g., avoidance and safety behaviors) A proper diagnosis for SAD requires that a number of specific criteria are met in accordance with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Related disorders include selective mutism and childhood-onset fluency disorder (stuttering). Selective mutism refers to the failure to speak in situations, such as a child who never speaks in school. Stuttering reflects problems with verbal fluency or being able to speak without a stutter in front of other people.?? Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and Diagnosis Causes The causes of social anxiety disorder are believed to be a combination of genetic factors, environmental factors (e.g. observational learning), societal factors (e.g., cultural influences), and brain structure/biological factors. While these factors may involve risk for developing the disorder, not everyone who has one or more risk factors will be diagnosed with SAD.?? What Causes Social Anxiety Disorder? Treatment Regardless of whether  you have generalized or performance-related symptoms, effective treatment is available. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a form of psychotherapy that addresses current problems and reframes negative thinking, can be very helpful. Through CBT, you will learn strategies and techniques to help you cope with different situations. After completing  cognitive behavioral therapy, many people with anxiety say that it changed their lives and opened doors for them; they can do things they never thought they could, like travel or perform in front of others.?? In some cases, particularly for those with severe generalized social anxiety disorder, a doctor may recommend that you try medication. This can help to calm your mind and decrease some of the physical aspects of your anxiety, allowing you to better focus on therapy and begin to make progress.?? Look for a therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders. Without a background in these conditions, your therapist may not fully understand your symptoms  or may minimize or too easily dismiss what you are feeling. A healthcare provider who understands social anxiety disorder and cognitive behavioral therapy will work with you to develop effective strategies to manage the disorder. Your primary care physician may be able to refer you to a mental health professional. Try starting by sharing your feelings and symptoms with your primary doctor and going from there. Remember, taking the first step can be intimidating, but ultimately you will be happy you sought help in understanding what you need to cope. Social Anxiety Disorder Discussion Guide Get our printable guide to help you ask the right questions at your next doctors appointment. Download PDF The 7 Best Online Anxiety Support Groups Coping and Self-Help Self-help strategies for social anxiety disorder include social coping strategies such as learning to be assertive, emotional coping strategies such as learning to calm panic when it starts, and day-to-day coping strategies such as asking for accommodations at work. Self-help strategies are best used for mild to moderate social anxiety.?? The Best Self-Help Strategies for Social Anxiety Disorder In Children and Teens Social anxiety disorder in children and teens  may appear differently than in adults. Young children with the disorder may cling to a parent, have a tantrum when forced into a social situation, refuse to play with other kids, cry, or complain of an upset stomach or other physical problem.?? In some cases, children may even be too frightened to speak in certain situations. In contrast, adolescents with SAD may avoid group gatherings altogether or show little interest in having friends.?? In any case, strategies similar to those used in adults can help. How to Recognize Social Anxiety Disorder in Children and Teens A Word From Verywell It is important to understand the type of social anxiety disorder diagnosis you have been given. Work with your doctor or mental health professional to learn more about your diagnosis and what it means in terms of your treatment and prognosis. If your diagnosis includes the performance only specifier, treatment tailored to the specific performance situations that cause you anxiety is preferred.?? Signs That You May Have Social Anxiety Disorder