Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Collection of Quotations about Courage

Assortment of Quotations about Courage A brave individual is one who stands tall in the midst of difficulty, somebody who follows their feelings in spite of troublesome chances. You need a lot of mental fortitude to reattempt an undertaking after starting disappointment. At times it can assist with hearing the expressions of others who have experienced emergencies and been effective at conquering snags. At the point when issues pose a potential threat, perusing a portion of these statements of fortitude can give you restored trust and a new viewpoint. Statements About Courage from Athletes There might be individuals that have more ability than you, yet theres no reason for anybody to work more earnestly than you do. - Derek Jeter, resigned New York Yankees shortstop who won five World Series titles with the team.â It isnt the mountains ahead to ascend that destroy you; its the stone in your shoe. - Muhammad Ali, heavyweight champion fighter who resisted bigotry and other obstacles.â Mental fortitude Quotes from Politicians Mental fortitude is the stuff to stand up and talk; fearlessness is likewise the stuff to plunk down and tune in.- Winston Churchill It is just through work and agonizing exertion, by terrible vitality and unfaltering mental fortitude, that we proceed onward to better things.- President Theodore Roosevelt Endeavors and mental fortitude are insufficient without reason and course.- President John F. KennedyYou gain quality, mental fortitude, and certainty by each involvement with which you truly stop to glance dread in the face. You should do the thing which you figure you can't do. - Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady to President Fraklin Delano Roosevelt. I discovered that fortitude was not the nonappearance of dread, however the triumph over it. The daring man isn't he who doesn't feel apprehensive, yet he who overcomes that dread.-  Nelson Mandela There are no simple answers, yet there are straightforward answers. We should have the mental fortitude to do what we know is ethically right.  -Ronald Reagan Statements about Courage from Writers History, in spite of its tweaking torment, can't be unlived, yet whenever confronted with mental fortitude, need not be lived once more.  - Maya Angelou, American author and writer who conquered a troublesome childhood.â Life recoils or grows in relation to ones courage.â - Anais Nin It takes a ton of mental fortitude to demonstrate your fantasies to somebody else.â -Erma Bombeck, American essayist and humorist.It is an honored thing that in each age somebody has had enough independence and boldness to remain by his own feelings.- Robert G. Ingersoll, Civil War veteran and speaker Mysterious Quotes About Courage At times, the most moving contemplations originate from individuals whose names and characters have been lost to history. That doesnt make the estimations any less convincing. Here are a couple of unknown statements about courage.â Boldness isn't characterized by the individuals who battled and didn't fall, yet by the individuals who battled, fell and rose again.Each time we face our dread, we gain quality, fearlessness, and trust in the doing. Genuine mental fortitude isn't the nonattendance of dread yet the eagerness to continue regardless of it.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Tourism Case Study: Universal Studios

The travel industry Case Study: Universal Studios The principle goals of composing the report are to do a contextual analysis on how the general studio can draw in the neighborhood and visitor into putting into the spot. The report would cover why widespread studio can do as such and their remarkable highlights drawing in the both traveler and nearby into contributing it. How they are superior to their rivals (get away from amusement park) or how are they in a route substandard compared to their rival utilizing the swot examination. How is there a raise in the travel industry in Singapore because of the all inclusive studio. Seeing how widespread studio is being set up and their significance in carrying income to Singapore market and aiding in the raise of the travel industry. The report would be founded on my direct perception in how the widespread studio functions and came to it accomplishment on my direct perception, making a visit to the all inclusive studio trip myself and feel in the point of view of the vacationer and neighborhood for what reason is the spot worth proceeding to put resources into by going there. Moving toward my companions who had been there for their audits with respect to all inclusive studio and what is their opinion about the spot for a superior understanding other than my own inclination see or doing a review on how they individuals feel about general studio. Meeting my companion who is working there to have a more clear image of general studio and what they does their day by day schedules contains of keeping up the progression of the individuals consistently. What is a widespread studio? All inclusive studio is an amusement park worked to bring the travel industry up in Singapore. The amusement park is situated at Sentosa inside Resort World Sentosa. Genting bunch was the one offering to construct a second incorporated hotel in Singapore. On 19 April 2007, the beginning of building the Resort World Sentosa ( RWS ) was initiate. Following scarcely any long stretches of development and the recreation center was then opened to open at 18 March 2010 as of late. The widespread studio achieves bunches of awesome attractions bringing 24 motion pictures themed rides and attractions encountering new rides and shows dependent on blockbuster hits. It is both locally and traveler luring place for Singapore to expand upon. History of Universal studio Genting bunch was the financial specialist that came to offer effectively after structure coordinated retreats in Singapore situated at Sentosa. Begin of building the RWS and all inclusive studio begins on 19 April 2007. The recreation center was at last opened on 18 March 2010 upon three years of development. The recreation center was opened for sneak see during the Chinese New Year time frame to advance and let the individuals think about the spot and extraordinary spot to spend for the exceptional event. Sneak see week began on 14 to 21 February 2010 from 5pm to 9pm consistently. The recreation center was opened for touring purposes as none of the rides is operational which fills the needs of advancing and entice the individuals to perceive how extraordinary and brilliant the spot was to be spread around foreseeing the official open of all inclusive studio and contribute upon the spot. Guests need to pay 10 dollars just to goes in the visit the hotly anticipated all inclusive studio. Likewise, colleagues are permitted to carry their families to visit the recreation center before the general population are permitted to do as such. After the official opening, a portion of the attractions would be opening later at an alternate planning because of incomplete development and security of the individuals. The biggest thrill ride has been hailed because of the security and issues they experienced when the ride is opened. Accomplishments of general studio General studio has realized a few attractions and rides which is accessible in different nations and taken it back to Singapore for local people. Neighborhood individuals can appreciate the fascination which can be found in different nations locally. Each ticket would cost around 62 dollars for weekdays and 72 dollars for end of the week for grown-up pass. With such an expensive ticket it will unquestionably bring more pay for Singapore. The spot comprises of 30 eateries comprehensive of food push trucks and 20 one of a kind retail locations found everywhere throughout the recreation center. 7 zones of film themed world and 22 attractions have been planned. In addition to the fact that they are ready to get to the Universal studio, they can wander into the sentosa island which additionally fills the need for vacation destination. It has brought the best film themed attractions pressed inside the seven zones to life. Drawing in locally and traveler into the astonished spot stuffed with dream for and the two youngsters and grown-ups where they have been wanting. It has realized diversion to individuals and going minutes to enduring recollections of individuals who visited there. There would be themed inns accessible to cook the requirements of individuals and their decision of inclination. It has effectively presented to Singapore a one of a kind amusement park which is the just one found in Singapore. Points of Universal Studio It has effectively presented to Singapore an extraordinary amusement park drawing in heaps of traveler and local people to visit it. Their focuses on advertise are to carry the travel industry and affordable of Singapore to a more noteworthy statures. It is to keep up quality help and amusement to the individuals who visited it for enduring recollections. Trusting they would have returned to visit the spot again on their next outing back to Singapore. What is so exceptional about Universal studio? The special focuses about widespread studio is the 7 zones of film themed world which has brought motion pictures characters alive giving guests critical visit and excursion making to cash paid advantageous. The 7 zones of themed world comprise of The Lost World, Far Away, Madagascar, Ancient Egypt, Sci Fi City, Hollywood and New York. Every one of these spots are based upon the motion pictures themed and blockbuster hits. The spot developed depends on the motion pictures highlighting characters appearances, shopping and eating zones breathing life into the film. Right off the bat, The Lost World is isolated into two territories Jurassic Park and Waterworld. Including both two film blockbuster hits which are well known among the individuals. The Lost World encourages individuals to become more acquainted with progressively about dinosaurs and seeing the motion pictures waking up before their eyes. There are rides including the point of view of dinosaurs and how it resembles to be encircled with dinosaurs. Rides which comprise of the winged creature eye perspective on the spot, and some exciting waterway pontoon ride guaranteeing us to douse wet at the of the ride. Waterworld is a water based attractions where we can get the opportunity to see stunts, stunning blast live in the water appear. Far Away land is a film themed place enlivened by dreamwork livelinesss predominantly highlighting Shrek and the rich fantasies life. Knowing the characters that living inside the fantasy dividers becoming animated. Shrek house was being fabricate and there is Shrek 4D including a short and sensible film where we can really feel the activity directly from the seat in their short fantasy experience. Junior crazy ride is accessible to for riding as well. Madagascar is likewise one of the dreamwork liveliness motivated topic zones where it includes the thick tropical loaded up with superb characters of Madagascar in the motion pictures. There is where we can ride it to be want to encompass the Madagascar character and indeed resemble a youngster. Sadly not all the rides is opened there which will carry individuals to returns next time when it is opened so as not to miss any magnificent attractions there. Antiquated Egypt is a spot including old pyramids and paleologist site showing up in motion pictures like the mummy like it. Thrill ride is the most energizing rides in the widespread studio beside the enormous exciting ride which isn't working till further notification. It permits us to feel the fire and really knowing a greater amount of antiquated pyramids. Science fiction City is a spot including the cutting edge spot of individuals where future spot would look like base on our high innovation these days. It is likewise where the two significant crazy rides arranged at. It is only fundamentally for touring purposes since a large portion of the attractions are shut because of wellbeing issues. Hollywood is a themed place which includes the Hollywood street where dynamic design, palm trees and stroll of the distinction. It highlights shows like where all inclusive beasts in an awesome melodic exhibitions carry satisfaction to guests. It is additionally where the vast majority of the shopping should be possible. Numerous famous Hollywood lane. New York is where the walkways and great milestones are being included. There are veneer set of film scenes for continuous film creations. Where there are attractions that gave us how the film is being created and how monotonous the real shooting would bring a stupendous impact for the film screen. In this way, all the 7 zones and attractions made up of all inclusive studio make it exceptionally extraordinary and the main amusement park found in Singapore. Challenges confronted Because of the specialized issues, some may feel that the recreation center isn't up to desires. The significant rides are not operational till further notification may be transforming a few guests down into visiting the spot for the present. Not all attractions are opened which states just around the corner. Hence, some should hang tight for a little while when everything is attempting to make the excursion and cash beneficial rather, paying 5 dollars for nightfall to go in for some touring. Moreover, the ticket probably won't be accessible on the spot as there is constrained affirmation guests need to book ahead of time through web. Some might not have any desire to approach the complain booking the ticket and stuffs. Systems ( SWOT ) SWOT Analysis Qualities USS is situated in the City State of Singapore effectively available and at the intersection of significant air traffic stream that can guide a colossal potential market to the Studio. It has a solid intrigue to guests and visitors, as Universal Studio is as of now a notable Branding globally. The individual attractions, shows and rides inside USS are extremely world-class and offer unmatched fun and delight to the guest USS is an importa

Monday, July 27, 2020

An Overview of Social Anxiety Disorder

An Overview of Social Anxiety Disorder August 01, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children In This Article Table of Contents Expand Types Symptoms and Diagnosis Causes Treatment Coping and Self-Help In Children and Teens Social anxiety disorder (SAD)  involves a fear of social and performance situations in which others may negatively judge you. Although its common for people to experience some nervousness or feel butterflies in their stomach, most people with the disorder are extremely self-conscious and have physical symptoms such as nausea, shaking, or feeling faint when they are around people or performing. Luckily, there are strategies that help take control of the situation. Illustration by Brianna Gilmartin, Verywell Types The current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) differentiates between what used to be known as generalized versus specific SAD by adding the specifier performance only, meaning that a person only experiences anxiety in performance situations.?? Generalized Social Anxiety Those with  fears about most social and performance situations were previously categorized as having generalized social anxiety disorder in the DSM-IV, including the following: speaking to authority figuresgoing on datesstarting conversations  giving speeches They are usually uncomfortable around anyone but their closest family members or friends. Generalized SAD  is considered to be more severe than performance-only social anxiety disorder and is usually accompanied by greater impairment in day-to-day functioning. Performance-Only Social Anxiety A person with performance-only SAD will have anxiety and fear linked to only performance situations. For instance, a person could have a fear of public speaking but experience no anxiety in casual social gatherings. This form of social anxiety can still be extremely harmful, as it may limit you from career advancement or other performance-related achievements.?? People who only fear performance situations tend to be different from those with generalized social anxiety disorder in terms of how old they are when they first experience anxiety, the physical symptoms they experience, and how they respond to treatment. Symptoms and Diagnosis The symptoms of social anxiety disorder fall into three categories: physical (e.g., blushing, sweating, and shaking)cognitive (e.g., negative thoughts and beliefs)behavioral (e.g., avoidance and safety behaviors) A proper diagnosis for SAD requires that a number of specific criteria are met in accordance with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Related disorders include selective mutism and childhood-onset fluency disorder (stuttering). Selective mutism refers to the failure to speak in situations, such as a child who never speaks in school. Stuttering reflects problems with verbal fluency or being able to speak without a stutter in front of other people.?? Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and Diagnosis Causes The causes of social anxiety disorder are believed to be a combination of genetic factors, environmental factors (e.g. observational learning), societal factors (e.g., cultural influences), and brain structure/biological factors. While these factors may involve risk for developing the disorder, not everyone who has one or more risk factors will be diagnosed with SAD.?? What Causes Social Anxiety Disorder? Treatment Regardless of whether  you have generalized or performance-related symptoms, effective treatment is available. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a form of psychotherapy that addresses current problems and reframes negative thinking, can be very helpful. Through CBT, you will learn strategies and techniques to help you cope with different situations. After completing  cognitive behavioral therapy, many people with anxiety say that it changed their lives and opened doors for them; they can do things they never thought they could, like travel or perform in front of others.?? In some cases, particularly for those with severe generalized social anxiety disorder, a doctor may recommend that you try medication. This can help to calm your mind and decrease some of the physical aspects of your anxiety, allowing you to better focus on therapy and begin to make progress.?? Look for a therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders. Without a background in these conditions, your therapist may not fully understand your symptoms  or may minimize or too easily dismiss what you are feeling. A healthcare provider who understands social anxiety disorder and cognitive behavioral therapy will work with you to develop effective strategies to manage the disorder. Your primary care physician may be able to refer you to a mental health professional. Try starting by sharing your feelings and symptoms with your primary doctor and going from there. Remember, taking the first step can be intimidating, but ultimately you will be happy you sought help in understanding what you need to cope. Social Anxiety Disorder Discussion Guide Get our printable guide to help you ask the right questions at your next doctors appointment. Download PDF The 7 Best Online Anxiety Support Groups Coping and Self-Help Self-help strategies for social anxiety disorder include social coping strategies such as learning to be assertive, emotional coping strategies such as learning to calm panic when it starts, and day-to-day coping strategies such as asking for accommodations at work. Self-help strategies are best used for mild to moderate social anxiety.?? The Best Self-Help Strategies for Social Anxiety Disorder In Children and Teens Social anxiety disorder in children and teens  may appear differently than in adults. Young children with the disorder may cling to a parent, have a tantrum when forced into a social situation, refuse to play with other kids, cry, or complain of an upset stomach or other physical problem.?? In some cases, children may even be too frightened to speak in certain situations. In contrast, adolescents with SAD may avoid group gatherings altogether or show little interest in having friends.?? In any case, strategies similar to those used in adults can help. How to Recognize Social Anxiety Disorder in Children and Teens A Word From Verywell It is important to understand the type of social anxiety disorder diagnosis you have been given. Work with your doctor or mental health professional to learn more about your diagnosis and what it means in terms of your treatment and prognosis. If your diagnosis includes the performance only specifier, treatment tailored to the specific performance situations that cause you anxiety is preferred.?? Signs That You May Have Social Anxiety Disorder

Friday, May 22, 2020

How Does Power Affect The Development Of My Personal...

The processes associated with power, and privilege have shaped my relationship and greatly impacted the development of my personal identity; these influences have shaped me to be strong, independent, resilient woman I am today playing a huge role in my personal development. Power is defined as the ability to control. Privilege, is invisible in the sense by looking at someone one can’t tell if they are privileged or not, you as the individuals are privileged, based on the advantage that you have. Personally, since I was twenty-one years old I realized how power plays a vital role in society. I can remember going out with my friends (myself included seven females and two male’s races of Hispanic and African American). As a group, we left the bar and going to get something to eat. A fight broke out in turn resulting in having to defend myself. Today, I have no idea how the fight started or who was involved. However, when the police came (white men) myself and my group were tear gassed, tasered, handcuffed and hit by the police. The other group involved were white individuals, and did not receive nearly of treatment/experiences of myself and my group. A few individuals in the other group we’re resisting arrest; one individual hit an officer, and some fled the scene. The following morning everyone was bailed out of jail, charged with a list of charges, and long days in the courtroom repeating the story repeatedly. Nevertheless, our charges were all dismissed. However, we neverShow MoreRelatedMy Own Initial Theory Of An Unconscious And Conscious Affect The Functioning Of The Person816 Words   |  4 Pagesresults of my survey, compare, and contrast them to my own initial theory leanings. A screen shot of the results is in Figure 1. My psychodynamic score is 68% with sub-scores of 83% Psychoanalysis, 63% Analytical and 58% Individual Psychology. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Accounting for Income Taxes - 1875 Words

According to Accounting Theory: Contemporary Accounting Issues by Evans, accountants have developed two alternative approaches to accounting for income taxes, which are the cash method and the allocation method. The cash method is described as a simple and direct approach. The amount of income taxes actually paid for the year is reported on the Income Statement. The amount comes from the firm s income tax return and fit is not adjusted in any way. Therefore, the firm s actual transaction to record its income tax liability is the basis for the amount of the income tax expense reported on the Income Statement. The allocation method is a bit different. The actual amount of tax that is paid in the year is ignored when it comes to†¦show more content†¦Because tax allocation was so complex at the time due to changes in the rates, FASB established an implementation group for tax allocation in 1988 and deferred implementation of SFAS No. 96. After FASB issued a special report in 1989 on implementation issues, complications led to the deferral of SFAS No. 96 again, until 1992, which shows the difficulty of obtaining a resolution on tax allocation issues. SFAS NO. 109 FASB issued this statement to replace the complex SFAS No. 96 which was concerned with the recognition of deferred income taxes. SFAS No. 109 requires that deferred tax liabilities for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets for all deductible temporary differences and tax credit and operating loss carry forwards be recognized. The Balance Sheet approach is used. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities represent assets and liabilities instead of residual deferred charges and credits. Under the liability method, an enterprise recognizes a deferred tax asset or a deferred tax liability for the future income tax effects of the difference between the tax basis of the asset or liability and its reported amount in the financial statements. Accounting for income taxes continues to be a source of controversy and difficulty for accounting standard-setters. This is corroborated by the fact that the APB and the FASB have three financialShow MoreRelatedHow Income And Its Impact On Financial Reporting1046 Words   |  5 PagesHow Income taxes developed in the financial reporting I. Intro A. Why I am choosing this topic Effectively managing a company is exclusively important for executives to understand both U.S general accepted accounting principles (GAAP) that govern financial reporting and tax implications of transactions. Corporations with a better understanding of Internal Revenue Code are able to deduct their tax expenses to the government, which will result in more cash to pursue profitable business opportunitiesRead MoreA Brief Look Into American Tax Structure1282 Words   |  6 PagesInto American Tax Structure GAAP vs. IRS Tax Accounting CJ Moore Highline CC January 19, 2014 Prior to the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment of the American Constitution, the majority of the income received by the federal government was through tariffs and excise taxation (Pollack, 2013). Tariffs are taxes â€Å"levied by governments on the value including freight and insurance of imported products (Tariffs and Import Fees, 2014)†. Excise taxes are â€Å"taxes paid when purchases are made on a specificRead MoreDefend the Asset/Liability Approach of Accounting for Inter-Period Income Tax Allocation.642 Words   |  3 Pagesapproach of accounting for inter-period income tax allocation. The asset/liability method of income tax allocation is balance sheet oriented. The intent is to accrue and report the total tax benefit or taxes payable that will actually be realized or assessed on temporary differences when their respective future taxable or deductible amounts are expected to occur. The book states 5 arguments: 1. The balance sheet is becoming more important financial statement. Reporting deferred taxes based onRead MoreEssay on Tax Law And Accounting1395 Words   |  6 PagesTax Law and Accounting In todays society income taxes are something in which almost everyone is familiar. However, the tax law and general purpose of income taxes is something in which the general society gives little thought. In addition, few tax preparers are aware that differences exist between the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and tax accounting, not to mention the ramifications of avoiding or evading to proper complete the reporting of income taxes. 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Financial reporting purposes: straight line depreciation method is usedRead MoreCompany Reporting1285 Words   |  6 Pagescosts creates a Deferred Tax Liability 2 2.2 Analysis on arguments by directors 3 2.2.1 No Income Tax Expenses 3 2.2.2 No deferred tax liability 4 2.2.3 Tax losses 5 2.3 Information utility to users of financial report of deferred tax liabilities 6 3.0 Conclusion 7 References 8 1.0 Introduction Accounting Standard AASB 112 (Income Taxes) prescribe the accounting treatment for income taxes. As stated by Leo, Hoggett, amp; Sweeting (2012), transactions undertaken by an entity andRead MoreIRS and Tax Regulations1649 Words   |  7 Pagesreturns that are in accordance with tax regulations and rules developed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The amounts reported under taxable income and financial income differs. These amounts are different because financial income is based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) which uses the accrual method to report revenues. Taxable income on the other hand, which is determined by rules and regulations of the IRS, follow a modified cash basis to determine revenue. 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Temporary Difference – Definition An assumption inherent in an enterprise s statement of financial position prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles is that theRead MoreCompany Reporting1448 Words   |  6 Pages1. Introduction Accounting treatment for income taxes for for-profit entities is subject to Australian Accounting Standard Board (AASB) 112 Income Taxes. In accounting for income tax, complying with tax-effect method involves the occurrence of tax consequences due to different treatments are applied for transactions and other events happened inside an entity for accounting and taxation purposes, namely current tax consequences and future tax consequences. The purpose of this report was to

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How to Be a Football Player Free Essays

How to be a Football Player Football has always been America’s natural past time. Many fans love watching football but do not realize how hard it is to prepare for a football season. Most fans think the players just show up on the one day and perform. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Be a Football Player or any similar topic only for you Order Now This belief is completely false. Preparing for a football season requires much preparation. The preparation for most football players usually includes working on strength, conditioning, and fundamentals of the game. These steps are necessary for football players to have a successful season. These steps have proven to be a valuable aid in helping players such as myself prepare for the season. I believe these steps are the basic steps to becoming a great Football player. The first step to becoming a great football player is working to improve your conditioning. Conditioning is basically a way of improving your body’s endurance resistance and overall athleticism. To improve your conditioning you start off running for multiple times daily. Every second of the day you spend running your increasing your athleticism and the condition your body is in which is a very valuable concept in any sport. The more u condition the more your body will be able to endure and endurance is a big part in football if you plan to stay on the field. By increasing the condition your body is you will have set your self up in improve your physicality, endurance, and mentality. Next, you should start working out using weights to improve your chances for success in the upcoming season. I believe that this step puts you ahead of the other athletes. A strict weight training schedule has allowed many athletes to stay in top shape throughout the years. This second step is imperative to becoming a successful football player is by increasing your strength. Strength is just important as conditioning because football is game of physicality. To improve your strength you can start off with push ups dips and sits to get your body toned up. After toning your body that’s when you start lifting weights to build lean muscle instead of toning up your muscles. Weights lifting include exercises such bench press, squats, and leg presses etc. Every work out in the weight room improves different parts of the body like you chest, calves, triceps, biceps, forearms etc. By working on all these body parts different days of the week such as Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays you will continue to develop strength and your body mass. The final step in preparing for the upcoming season and being successful in football is being prepared mentally. Being mentally prepared consists of four things concentration, confidence, control and commitment. Football requires concentration because you have to be able to focus on the task that is at hand. Football requires confidence because you have to believe you achieve a certain goal then go achieve it. Control is also a part of the mental process because an athlete’s ability to maintain control of their emotions in the face of adversity and remain positive is essential to successful performance. The fourth and final asset of the mental process is commitment, there is an insurmountable amount of things you have to remember in football and a football players performance depends on the athlete being fully committed to the game and his team if the player plans on being successful at the game. As much emphasis as athletes put on the physical aspect of the game the mental part is just as important. Football Consist of plays, assignments, coverage’s and a thousand other things that you have to be cognizant of. In conclusion, I feel that preparing to be a great football player requires much preparation. It’s not enough to just play the game you have to understand the game and how much dedication and preparation goes into the game. You have to have a great amount of endurance, strength, speed and commitment to play this sport. Once you connect all of the pieces to the puzzle you will be a football player. How to cite How to Be a Football Player, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What is society Essay Example For Students

What is society? Essay A society is, by definition, a group of people with similar interests, beliefs, and ways of life, residing and perpetuating in a specific area. Societies include people, who are organized into families, tight-knit groups of friends, and acquaintances. Individuals within a society possess certain religious affiliations, and are associated with specific institutions and workplaces. This idea of a community allows human beings to act upon their social predispositions, while still submitting to leadership, so long as the leadership seeks to serve the people. What happens, though, when society goes bad? What happens when the government controls every facet of an individuals life, when all traces of emotion, thought, and feeling are lost completely, and when husbands and wives, parents and children are turned against each other? This is a dystopian society. The topic of a dystopian society is one that is used frequently in literature. Authors often utilize this type of situation in their writing to satirize the society around them, or to provide a warning against what could possibly happen to the world. We will write a custom essay on What is society? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Three of the most prominent novels that are classified as dystopian literature are Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, 1984 by George Orwell, and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. In each of these novels, the respective author is attempting to accomplish a certain goal. In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley is warning society about the dangers of becoming too hedonistic and technologically advanced. Huxley also satirizes people who are constantly in pursuit of instant happiness Booker 171. With the writing of 1984, George Orwell is warning against leaders who are hungry for power. These people would not hesitate to strip individuals of every freedom if it meant prolonging their control Booker 208. Lastly, in Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury was responding to Americas cultural environment in the 1950s Booker 88. He was warning against extreme censorship, the disappearance of real relationships, and the development of a very fast-paced society. As with all dystopian writers, the writers of these three novels chose to include certain dystopian characteristics in their writing; these characteristics include: a powerful governing body, social classes, skewed relationships between individuals, a skewed sense of identity, censorship, technology, brainwashing, and rebellion by certain characters. In most dystopian literature, the government in power exerts a great amount of control over the lives of the people, often controlling their very actions and thoughts. The citizens are divided into distinct social classes, and they have no control over the matter. Oftentimes, the government will predetermine the identity of an individual, and emotionally, all subjects are identical. In a dystopian society, the government will use a few methods for controlling the identity of an individual. Censorship is defined psychologically as the prevention of disturbing or painful thoughts or feelings from reaching consciousness except in a disguised form. Censorship can be protecting the people for their own good; however, dystopian rules use it to censor all things that are not promoting their leadership and society. Technology is the application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives. Technology is crucial for any powerful nation or state, however, in dystopian societies; technology is used only to further the goals of the government. Lastly, brainwashing is the application of a concentrated means of persuasion, such as an advertising campaign or repeated suggestion, in order to develop a specific belief or motivation. Brainwashing is never a positive thing, and unfortunately, all citizens in a dystopian society have had their minds molded through the use of brainwashing techniques. As with any society, a dystopian society is ruled by a governing body. However, the motivations of the governing body are what separate a normal society from a dystopian society. In a dystopian, or dysfunctional, society, the government usually seeks to promote its own goals and aspirations without taking into account the thoughts and needs of the people. This is seen heavily in all three dystopian novels. The first of the three, Brave New World, takes place in futuristic London. In the World State, the lives of the citizens are controlled in every way by the government. The government decides what class they will belong to, what job they will have, where they will live, what they will enjoy, and what activities they can take part in Huxley 12. This may seem like a daunting task, however, it is made simple due to the fact that every individual is manufactured to be exactly the same, figuring for social status which varies, but is also determined by the government. There are ten major rulers in government; they are called World Controllers Huxley 33. The resident World Controller in the story is named Mustapha Mond, and he is the World Controller in Western Europe Huxley 32. Lastly, the cultural hero in the novel is Henry Ford, who is worshipped like a God Huxley 191. Citizens commonly use expressions such as My Ford! and Fordspeed. In the novel, 1984, the governing body is known the Party. The job of the Party is to supervise and control all activities of life, which they do through the faÃÆ' §ade of Big Brother, who is supposed to be the supreme ruler in the government. The only thing this government is concerned with is prolonging their own power. In order to do this, they must strip citizens of all freedom, including freedom of thought. The goal of the Party is to create the ultimate dystopia, completely opposite of Huxleys hedonistic society. In this society, the government is present in every area of the life of an individual. The government supplies a person with their occupation, food, and housing. All daily activities are controlled by Big Brother, loud alarms sound when it is time for a person to do their daily exercises and the like Orwell 30. Big Brother also monitors people closely to detect any suspicious behavior, and distributes propaganda posters Orwell 5. Basically, everything that happens in the world and to the individual is the result of the government. There is no individualism at all, and conformist behavior is essential. The government is the eye that is constantly watching over its subjects. The novel Fahrenheit 451 takes place in futuristic America. The government in place is a totalitarian government, which makes use of censorship and brainwashing. The citizens do not think for themselves, in fact, they hardly think at all. They are constantly bombarded by media that real thoughts cannot manifest. This is what the government is striving for, because during the course of the novel, it is trying to cover up a huge war that threatens to destroy the world. If people have no time to think or ponder philosophically, they will not question the motivations and actions of their government. One thing that is unique to this society is the fact that the citizens willingly submit to the government. In Brave New World, citizens are brainwashed, so they cannot think anything different, and in 1984, the citizens are forced to conform. In Fahrenheit 451, citizens are brainwashed, but it is with their consent. The people are fully capable of turning off their huge televisions, taking out the seashell radios, driving slower, and taking time to think, but they chose not to. It is easier for them to get caught up a fast paced, media-driven world. If a person was to decide to turn off their television for a while, the government would not come after them, and they would not be punished, however, they all chose to live the way that they do, and that is what has become acceptable in society. In many dystopian civilizations, the citizens are divided up into social classes. A social class is defined as a group of people with the same social and economic status. This type of social status is seen in almost every civilization in the world; however, dystopian societies implement the class system in different ways. Often, the people have no control over which class they belong to, it is usually dictated by the government. As with all things, the government utilizes the class system to further its own interests. Brave New World is a novel that displays the class system very clearly. In the novel, the citizens are divided up into five distinct social classes; these include Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons. They are all conceived in test tubes through the Bokanovsky process, which produces ninety-six infants from one single fertilized egg Huxley 4. These growing infants are given food and other necessities via injections into their test tube fluid. As the fetuses mature, they are provided with what they require at that point in their gestation. It is all very systematic, and if one step is skipped or neglected, there are serious results. Now, there are some instances in which select fetuses will be deprived of important things. In the creation of an Epsilon, for example, the fetus will be deprived of oxygen Huxley 13. This deprivation leads to decreased mental capability in the child, and later in the adult. Since the Epsilon will only be used for menial tasks, like manual labor, there is no need for it to have a high level of intelligence. Epsilons and Deltas are also genetically engineered to have a great amount of strength and endurance, which will suit them in their positions as they mature. On the other hand, the highest class, the Alphas, are engineered to have extremely high intelligence quotients. This is necessary because they will one day assume occupations that require a higher amount of intelligence and reasoning ability Huxley 16. This society is very class-oriented, and the classes are very obvious. One has to wonder, though, if Epsilons or Deltas ever feel angry that they were not predestined to be Alphas. The answer is that they do not. Much of the governments technological efforts are directed toward this, because if the class system is not stable, everything fails. Citizens must first be content in their social class if they are to function in society Huxley 15. Since the classes in this society are so distinguished, there is hardly any reason for individuals of two different classes to associate with each other Huxley 27. The Epsilons and Deltas serve the Alphas and the Betas. As far as relationships within the classes go, there are friends, and lovers. The only variable that this is dependent upon is gender. Everyone of the opposite sex is a potential lover. The government uses the class system in this civilization to make society run very smoothly. All members of each class are essentially the same, and the lower classes are even made up of exact clones. This makes everything run nicely because there is never a shortage of manual laborers or of highly skilled white collar workers. The government can manufacture as many citizens from each class as it needs to in order to maintain stability Huxley 9. In the novel, 1984, there are three distinct social classes. The first class is made up of the inner party members Orwell 12. These are the individuals that are involved first hand in the government; they are usually involved with the Thought Police Orwell 6, Ministry of Truth Orwell 8, and the like. These people work under the faÃÆ' §ade of Big Brother, and their job is to make sure that everything is running smoothly and that there is no unorthodoxy going on. The second, and biggest, social class is known as the outer party Orwell 29. These are the average citizens. These people are under constant surveillance by the inner party members and Big Brother. Everything about their daily lives is controlled by the government. They are designated jobs and homes, and the government directs their every action. These people are also the target of all of Big Brothers propaganda. The signs and posters reading Big Brother is watching you! are all directed towards them Orwell 5. They also have to go through the two minutes hate every day, and their lives are monitored continuously via telescreens Orwell 3-16. This party is under the greatest scrutiny by their government. The last party in Orwells dystopian society is known as the Proles. A Prole is the Newspeak way of describing a member of the proletariat or working class. In this society, the Proles are equated with animals, and therefore are relatively free compared to members of the party Orwell 62. Unlike the party members, whose lives are constantly monitored through telescreens, the world of the Proles is relatively free of such devices Orwell 82. The reason for this is that the Proles lack advanced reasoning ability and cannot organize Orwell 73. The government simply uses them for menial tasks, much like Deltas and Epsilons in Huxleys Brave New World. The Proles are only concerned with the basic needs of life, eating, drinking, breeding, and fighting. They pose no threat to the government, so therefore, they are granted much more freedom than are members of the party Orwell 62. The last novel, Fahrenheit 451 differs from the previous two in that the social class are indistinct from those we know of today. Although the government censors written literature and bombards citizens with media, the socio-economic situation is virtually the same as it is in America in this day and age. If a person is poor, it is not because the government has made them that way; the same concept applies to the wealthy. The government does not control a persons occupation or housing. Also, the government does not alter an individuals personal capacity for performance to suit its needs. There really is no way that the government takes advantage of the class system in this dystopian society. In a dystopian society, government controls everything about the life of an individual. This control leads to the distortion of relationships. In dystopian societies, relationships are skewed; there are no true friendships or intimate relationships. Even families, the tightest social unit, are twisted. In Huxleys Brave New World there are two different types of relationships, relationships between people of the same social class, and people of different social classes. As far as relationships within the classes go, there are friends, and lovers. The only variable that this is dependent upon is gender. Everyone of the opposite sex is a potential lover, and everyone of the same sex is a friend or comrade Huxley 67. Each night, the citizens go out and engage in unrestricted sexual activity with members of their own social class, and the next day they refer last nights lover to their best friend Huxley 44. Conversely, members of a certain class do not associate with members of another. Epsilons and Deltas serve the Alphas and Betas by getting their helicopters ready, operating their elevators, and the like. There are no friendships or sexual relationships between members of these classes. The government uses these relationships to promote a hedonistic way of life. Since everyone is allowed complete access to everyone at all times, there is never unhappiness or the consciousness of a desire that cannot be fulfilled. The relationships between individuals in the novel, 1984 differ greatly from the relationships between individuals in Huxleys dystopia. In the World State, there is no trust, and camaraderie is non-existent, although the government tries to make it look as though it does exist. In this society, citizens refer to each other as comrade Orwell 20. This words implies a sense of friendship, fidelity, and trust, however these things are not present in relationships in this dystopian world. In fact, there is a complete absence of trust; children are encouraged to rat out their parents, and spouses are urged to report unorthodox behavior in each other Orwell 24. They all serve as extensions of the government, and the Thought Police, the secret police who use psychology and surveillance to monitor thought crimes Orwell 6. If a person is unable to trust their spouse, they will not be able to trust anybody else. Life is full of suspicion; a person never knows who is for, and who is against Big Brother; so it is better if they do not trust anybody, misjudgment could have deadly effects. Unlike Huxleys society, sexuality is strictly controlled in Orwells novel. The government accepts the Freudian energy-based model, which says the energy that is required for sex could be used to serve the party Orwell 42. The government says that sex is a very disagreeable activity, and should be used for procreating strictly in the context of marriage Orwell 58. The control of sexual relationships also serves to control the formation of strong emotional attachments between individuals. These kinds of attachments are undesirable to the government. Lastly, in this dystopian society, families and friends do exist, however the words carry different meanings. People will consider themselves to be friends, although they hold no trust between them, and they do not confide in each other 43. Likewise, a family is made up of parents and offspring, but there is no love or caring between family members. Unlike in the previous two novels, the citizens in Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 do not suffer from government control in their relationships. The relationships between people are skewed; however, it is not the governments doing. The people have submitted to a fast-paced, media driven world, so their relationships have suffered because of it. For example, the relationship between fireman Guy Montag and his wife Mildred is virtually nonexistent. Mildreds mind is so bombarded by media that she has become completely detached from reality. Guy even asked Mildred when and where they first met, and she had no idea. When did we meet? And where? When did we meet for what? She asked. I meanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ originallyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. I dont know, she saidà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦It doesnt matter Bradbury 42-43. Also, other citizens do not have relationships with each other. They gather as friends, but do not talk of anything of significance; all they do is watch their giant television screens. Or I listen at soda fountains, and do you know what? What? People dont talk about anything. Oh, they must! No, not anything. They name a lot of cars or clothes or swimming pools mostly and say how swell! But they all say the same things and nobody says anything different from anyone else Bradbury31. .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e , .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e .postImageUrl , .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e , .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e:hover , .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e:visited , .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e:active { border:0!important; } .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e:active , .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue218bc72da31f48ee264e0eaa357944e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Problems In The United States Educational System EssayThese people think that they have friendships, healthy marriages, and happy lives, but in reality they are all blinded by the whirlwind of noises and images that surrounds them daily. Personal identity is defined as the distinct personality traits that define an individual dictionary. Due to the fact that their society is dysfunctional, citizens in a dystopian society are made to have skewed views of themselves and their personal identities. In Brave New World, the free sex idea forces individuals to accept twisted ideas of themselves, and their identities. As young children, citizens are conditioned to believe that everyone belongs to everyone else Huxley 30. Instead of being possessive of his lover, a man will instead refer her to his friend Huxley 39. If everyone belongs to everyone else, a person is no more their own than they are their neighbors. People have no more worth than a piece of property or furniture. Once they have lived their useful life, they die, and society moves on. One person is not important to any one other person. Also, death is a very accepted part of life. As children, citizens are conditioned so that they do not fear death Huxley 208. Since people have no moral worth, and they do not form romantic ties or intimate friendships, they feel that they are no more important to the world than a piece of furniture. They serve their purpose, and they have some fun, but there is nothing beyond that. A persons true character and identity are evident through their thoughts and verbal expressions. For the citizens of Orwells 1984, their identities are skewed because they are not permitted to conceive original thoughts, read literary classics, and express themselves verbally. Citizens are monitored constantly through telescreens, in their homes and public places. Big Brother is always watching on the other side, and people must be very conscientious of how they are behaving. Peoples thoughts are also monitored by the government. Thoughts are controlled by what is called the Thought Police Orwell 6. The Thought Police is the secret police that uses psychology and observation to detect anti-party thoughts in party members. When a persons very thoughts are taken away from them, their very identity goes away. Everyone becomes the same, just mindless followers of the party. Lastly, the new language of Orwells dystopia, called Newspeak, seeks to take away individual identity. Newspeak is defined as any attempt to restrict disapproved language by a government or other powerful entity Orwell 45-46. Through the usage of Newspeak, the Party is removing all unnecessary words from the language. If people have no words to express their thoughts, the thoughts cease to exist. Thoughts cannot exist without a means of expressing them. It is in these ways that the government forces its citizens to adopt a skewed personal identity. In order to develop a positive identity, it is necessary for an individual to have time to think and reflect on life, and what their life means. However, in Ray Bradburys novel, Fahrenheit 451, citizens live lives that are so bombarded by media, that they have lost all traces of personal identity. They have become shells, only caring about the visual and the auditory things they can experience. Most people have television screens the size of walls in their house and usually two or more walls will be made up of these television screens. The volume on the televisions is always turned up very high, and the programs are all loud so it is impossible to talk over them. Also, the citizens drive very fast, usually over 100 miles per hour. This is dangerous, and it is impossible to carry on a conversation at this speed with the wind whipping inside the car. Lastly, they always have little seashell radios plugged into their ears. These radios are on anytime when other media is not available, even during sleep. And in her ears the little Seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and talk coming in, coming in on the shore of her unsleeping mind Bradbury 12. They completely lack meaning and purpose in their lives, and these things also help shape a persons identity. One of the main ways that totalitarian governments get their ideas into the minds of the public is through the use of censorship. Censorship is the prevention of disturbing or painful thoughts or feelings from reaching consciousness except in a disguised form dictionary. Censorship is used in the society of Brave New World as a means of eliminating strong feelings. Those who lead this civilization believe that if people are permitted to read things like Shakespeare, which are filled with strong emotions, they will be filled with emotion as well Huxley 124-125. As far as this society is concerned, emotion in general is a bad thing. It is undesirable for people to drift away from their perfect happiness. They should not be reading anything that could provoke sadness or any similar feeling. The leaders of society desire stability, emotions are by nature unstable, which is why they are not allowed. Also, the themes written about in poetry are things that citizens would have no understanding of. Shakespeares poetry talks about love and pain, both of which are not present in society. Censorship is a true mark of a dystopian society because it allows the government to control what the populace sees, which in turn will control what the populace feels. In the World State, beautiful works of art are censored, because the leaders do not want the people feeling any kind of strong emotion that could result from reading those works. The leaders at the conditioning centre also use different forms of aversion therapy to eliminate the childlike attraction to beautiful objects. For example, at the conditioning centre, it was time for a group of Bokanovsky babies to learn to dislike books and flowers. So, the nurses laid colorful books and roses on the floor and released the babies. As the babies approached the books, there was an explosion of sirens causing the babies faces to be distorted with terror Huxley 19-20. This horrible scene is just one example of how, at a young age, citizens are forced to form an aversion to things like flowers, and therefore leave behind the natural human love for nature and color Huxley 21. Censorship is seen very heavily in 1984. It is the main means by which citizens in the society loose their identities; it prevents citizens from conceiving original thoughts, ideas, and emotions. One of the major ways that the government censors what the populace sees is through the Ministry of Truth. This ministry controls all literature that circulates in Oceania. It is the official producer of lying propaganda Orwell 8. It is also in charge of the telescreens and party organization. Winston Smith, one of the main characters, works for the ministry of truth, rewriting history Orwell 40. The ministry has a policy of amending any written documents that speak against the government. It is constantly revising history, and will even invent people that do not exist to support the party. Since the government is the ultimate source of truth, it is never wrong Orwell 42. Another way that the government heavily censors peoples lives is through the adoption of Newspeak. Newspeak is the official language of Oceania. One of the goals of Newspeak is to censor out any words that are in opposition to the party. In fact, all words deemed unnecessary are deleted. For example, the word wonderful is not needed, so the word good is used. However, in order to show that something is more than good, a plus is added in front, so the word becomes plusgood. If plusgood simply will not do, and whatever is being talked about is amazingly wonderful, the word can be changed to be doubleplusgood. This system makes language very systematic, and instead of having to choose between words like wonderful, excellent, or amazing, one needs only to say doubleplusgood! Of course the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of nouns that can be got rid of as well If you have a word like quot;goodquot;, what need is there for a word like quot;badquot;? quot;Ungoodquot; will do just as well Or again, if you want a stronger version of quot;goodquot;, what sense is there in having a whole string of vague useless words like quot;excellentquot; and quot;splendidquot; and all the rest of them? quot;Plusgoodquot; covers the meaning or doubleplusgood if you want something stronger still. In the end the whole notion of goodness and badness will be covered by only six words; in reality, only one word Orwell 45-46. In essence, one of the main goals of Newspeak is to allow citizens to express entire concepts, such as the difference between good and bad, with only one word and its variations. In this society, the Thought Police are used to censor the thoughts of individuals. People are only permitted to think thoughts that are in support of Big Brother, and if the Thought Police detect suspicion, the person is dealt with harshly. This police force instills much fear in the populace, and causes a great amount of distrust amongst individuals. People do not know whom they can trust, so this prevents them from discussing things such as rebellion against the party Orwell 18. A persons own wife may be a member of the Thought Police, just waiting for her husband to say something suspicious. Censorship is a main theme in Fahrenheit 451. Written literature is banned in this civilization, and anyone who is found to be in possession of a book is punished severely. There is a whole occupation that is devoted to the burning of books, these people are called firemen. The firemen receive calls at the station, go to the place where the books are, drench the home in kerosene, and light it on fire. There are many reasons why books are obsolete in this society. First of all, the people and government believe that books have nothing important to say. Also, since the attention span of people has decreased to almost zero, no one has the time or patience to sit down and read. Lastly, books are seen as a source for stress and anger. Books supposedly discriminate against minority groups, they contain problems and theories that dont line up, and generally threaten the stability of society wikipedia. It is for these reasons that the government has decided to put the charge of heresy on anyone found with a book wikipedia. To replace books, the government distributes comic books, sex magazines, and television shows, which supply the populace of what it desires, entertainment. Technology is the application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives dictionary. This use of science is used in Huxleys Brave New World for a variety of ends. One of the most distinguishing characteristics of the novel is the advanced technology that is present in the society. In the World State, technology is used to produce babies and condition children. Technological machines are used to immerse the populace in an ever-present flow of noise and media, which prevents the manifestation of thought and emotion. Technology has also supplied advanced methods of contraception, so that the people can engage in free sex, and pregnancy is totally eliminated Huxley 50. Lastly, technology has allowed the people to age, while showing no physical signs of it Huxley 111. Illness and disease are not present in society as well. Life in the World State begins at the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre Huxley 1. It is here where eggs are fertilized, incubated, decanted, and conditioned as children, so that they may one day be released, to go out into the world as fully functioning members of society. In this society, eggs are produced using the Bokanovsky process. In a normal world, one egg equals one embryo, which equals one adult; however, the Bokanovsky process allows the hatchery leaders to manufacture up to ninety-six normal adults from one fertilized egg Huxley 4. Stability is the primary concern for leaders, and being able to control the worlds population like that is desirable. Once these fetuses are decanted, or born, they begin conditioning, which lasts from infancy to the late teens. The goal of conditioning is for the leaders to impart the ideology of the World State into the minds of the youngsters. By the end of conditioning, each young adult will have centralized the ideology, and will obey it without question. The main medium of conditioning is known as hypnopÃÆ' ¦dia Huxley 24. HypnopÃÆ' ¦dia is when certain catch phrases are replayed over and over while the children are sleeping. For example, the phrase everybodys happy now is repeated 150 times a night for twelve years. This type of technology allows the ideas of the government to manifest themselves in the children. Technology also provides citizens of the World State with complicated methods of entertainment, known to them as games. They are not permitted to play any game that does not require many expensive parts. Some of these games include Centrifugal Bumble-Puppy, Riemann Surface Tennis, and Electro-Magnetic Golf Huxley 29, 44, 56. The reason why only these complicated games are allowed is because the government is trying to promote its exaggerated capitalism Huxley 22. More parts lead to more labor, which leads to more jobs; all of this keeps the economy rolling. In addition to games, people can visit the feelies, which are incredibly high technology movie theaters. In the theater, each person places their hand on a metal knob, which allows them to feel the physical sensations that the actors are experiencing Huxley 34. Also, other forms of entertainment include the scent organ, which combines music with pleasant smells; the synthetic music boxes, and the colour organs, which combine music with a light show Huxley 70. Transportation in the World State is also very technologically advanced. Most people travel around town in helicopters, taxicopters, or sporticopters Huxley 29, 203. The lower caste civilians travel around in monorails Huxley 73, and global travel is done in a rocket plane, which is color-coded according to where it is headed Huxley 58. There are a few remaining ways in which advanced technology is used in society. First, most of the clothing worn by individuals is composed of high-tech materials, such as acetate or viscose Huxley 50. Also, most of the buildings are skyscrapers, made of materials including vitra-glass, and ferroconcrete. Men shave with electrolytic razors, and sex-hormone chewing gum dominates the market Huxley 60. When a citizen comes home from a hard days work, they can use one of the many vibro-vacuum massagers to relax Huxley 53; and if this doesnt quite do the trick, they can take a few grams of soma to send them into a dreamland. The purpose of most of this technology is to keep the citizens in a state of sublime happiness, and it certainly works. The technological situation in George Orwells 1984 is almost the exact opposite as it is in Huxleys novel. In this society, technology is used for only two things: surveillance, and weaponry Orwell 71-72. Big Brothers use of telescreens is one of the main ways that technology is put into use. Telescreens are two way televisions, through which the government can monitor its subjects. They are on twenty-four hours a day, in homes and in public places. It is impossible for citizens to turn them off, and they are constantly spouting off pro-party propaganda. They are also used to ensure that a citizen is doing their duty at all times. If a person gets lazy and takes a rest from their work, a voice from the telescreen will order them to get back to it. Aside from telescreens, there are a few other areas in which technology is used. For example, Winston uses a speech-recognizing typewriter when he works at the Ministry of Truth Orwell 34. Also, there are novel writing machines, which compose volumes full of propaganda Orwell 12. Since capturing rebels is one of the main concerns of the government, a lot of the governments technology is channeled towards finding new methods of interrogation, and new ways to detect thought criminal. There are almost no technological advancements made in any other field, because only technology that suits the needs and purposes of Big Brother is fit to be used. In Fahrenheit 451, most of the societys technological efforts are directed toward the media, and finding new ways of distracting the citizens. In this society, the minds of citizens are constantly flooded with visual and auditory stimulus, which numbs them to what is important. There are many technological advancements that play a part in this, including giant television screens. In most homes, there are two or more walls that are covered by an enormous television screen. These televisions are almost always on, and the shows that they play are loud, and have no meaningful plot at all. Itll be even more fun when we can afford to have the fourth wall installed. How long you figure before we save up and get the fourth wall torn out and a fourth wall-TV put in? Its only two thousand dollarsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦If we had a fourth wall, why itd be just like this room wasnt ours at all, but all kinds of exotic peoples rooms. We could do without a few things Bradbury 20-21. The thing that is strangest about the televisions is that the programs that are shown mean absolutely nothing. Even the viewers themselves have no idea what the shows are about. The only thing that matter is that they are entertaining, and that they distract the mind. What was on? Programs. What programs? Some of the best ever. Who? Oh, you know, the bunch. Bradbury 49. As is evident from this dialogue between Guy and Mildred, she spends her whole day watching these programs, yet is unable to tell him what they were about, or who was in them. Along with television walls, seashell radios are another technological advancement that preoccupy peoples minds. Seashell radios are small radios that are inserted into the ear; they are turned on during any time span when other distraction is unavailable. .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c , .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c .postImageUrl , .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c , .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c:hover , .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c:visited , .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c:active { border:0!important; } .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c:active , .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua5f111259ecc614dd25f2001ff464d0c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Lord of the Flies - Symbolism EssayGuy Montags wife, Mildred, always has these little devices in her ears, which makes him incapable of carrying on conversation with her. Lastly, technology has allowed the government to create something that is called the mechanical hound. The purpose of this animal is to accompany the firemen to their calls, and aid them with their work. The mechanical hound slept but did not sleep, lived but did not live in its gently humming, gently vibrating, softly illuminated kennel back in a dark corner of the firehouseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦The animals were turned loose. Three seconds later the game was done, the rat, cat, or chicken caught half across the areaway, gripped by gentling paws while a four-inch hollow steel needle plunged down from the proboscis of the Hound to inject massive jolts of morphine or procaine Bradbury 24-25. This hound is a frightening creature, and demonstrates how technology is used in this society to invoke fear in all those that oppose the censorship policies of government. One of the most prominent characteristics of a dystopian society is the governments use of brainwashing. Brainwashing is the application of a concentrated means of persuasion, such as an advertising campaign or repeated suggestion, in order to develop a specific belief or motivation dictionary. This means of persuasion is seen heavily in all three novels. In Aldous Huxleys novel, Brave New World, the citizens are brainwashed from birth through the use of hyponopÃÆ' ¦dia. HypnopÃÆ' ¦dia is the repetition of certain words or catch phrases over a long period of time. As the children are sleeping, little speakers in their beds emit these phrases hundreds of times per night, for many years wikipedia. Some of these phrases include ending is better than mending, the more stitches, the less riches, and everyone belongs to everyone else Huxley 39. Each of these phrases helps to indoctrinate a belief of the government. The first two make the citizens believe that if something is broken or torn, it is much better to simply throw it away, rather than mend it. This promotes the exaggerated capitalism of the World State, and keeps the economy strong and stable. The last phrase promotes the idea that everyone is the same, and there is no individual identity. This idea gets rid of all forms of jealousy, envy, anger, and love. Since everyone belongs to everyone else, there are no strong feelings between individuals. Also, in order to keep its citizens in a sublimely happy state at all times, the government distributes soma, a hallucinogen, which will cause a person to slip away into a dreamland. The citizens take soma on a daily basis if they are upset in any way you do look glum! What you need is a gramme of somaHuxley 54. Soma supposedly has all the advantages of Christianity and alcohol; none of their defects Huxley 54. Basically, soma is meant to lift up a person to a state of well-being, but it has no side effects. Even as children, the citizens of the World State are conditioned to just pop in a soma anytime they are feeling a tiny bit upset. The hypnopÃÆ' ¦dic phrase that is used for this is: A gramme is better than a damn Huxley 54. One good example of how soma is used in this society is when Lenina, one of the main characters, visited the savage reservation. She was so upset by the horrors of what she saw there, that she decided to go on a soma holiday. When she got back to her room, she swallowed a large amount of soma, in hopes of finding relief As soon as they got back to the rest-house, she swallowed six half-gramme tablets of soma, lay down on her bed, and within ten minutes had embarked for lunar eternity. It would be eighteen hours at the least before she was in time again somaquotes. The citizens use soma as an escape from anything unpleasant that could occur in their lives. The government uses it to keep the citizens happy, and happiness means stability, which is the ultimate goal Huxley 53. For the governing body in George Orwells novel, 1984, the main goal is for every citizen to love and be completely devoted to Big Brother. To accomplish this, the government makes use of various forms of brainwashing. The Ministry of Truth is in charge of distributing literature in favor of the party Orwell 39. In fact, all literature that is available in society comes from the government; so, all written words speak in favor of Big Brother. For example, the Ministry of Truth is in charge of managing history. This would seen odd because history should be somewhat fixed. History happened, and it is impossible to change things of the past. This is true in a normal society; however, in the world of 1984, history changes almost daily. History is what Big Brother says it is, and nothing more. If what the history books say does not concur with the teachings of the government, it will be rewritten Orwell 40. Government has control of everything, all the way down to the history of the world. Due to Big Brothers ultimate control over the historical record, citizens must doubt their own knowledge. If a citizen knows that they were born in the year 1975, but Big brother says that they were born only 3 years ago, that is truth; and all newspapers, history books, and birth records will be written to support Big Brothers version of the truth. Therefore, the person is only three years old, regardless of what they think they know or remember Orwell 10. This brings into question the place from which truth is drawn. In this novel, truth is drawn from the government, not from experiences and memories of individuals. The Ministry of truth also functions in distributing other forms of brainwashing. It distributes all of the newspapers, films, textbooks, telescreen programs, plays, novels, instructions, and entertainment that are to be found in society Orwell 39. Every word that can be read by a citizen comes from Big Brothers mouth to the people through the Ministry of Truth. If there is nothing in opposition to these ideas, there is nothing else to believe. Also, the Ministry will make up historical figures that support the party, even if these people never existed Orwell 42. Since the government is the ultimate source of truth, there is no reason for citizens to question whether or not these people existed. The last form of brain washing that the government in the novel uses is called the Two Minutes Hate. This is a daily occurrence, during which the citizens are shown a video depicting the partys greatest enemy, Emmanuel Goldstein. During this video, the observers are worked up into a complete frenzy. They often thrown things at the telescreen, scream, yell, jump around, and hiss at the characters on screen Orwell 13-16. This ritual is so convincing that even when Winston Smith is determined not to participate, he still gets sucked into the frenzy of hatred. This daily practice is even extended into a weeklong festival, called Hate Week Orwell 5. These things force the citizens to adopt a deep hatred for enemies of the party, and a great love for Big Brother. The citizens in the futuristic world of Fahrenheit 451 are brainwashed by the massive amounts of media that they are exposed to, and they are brainwashed to believe that books hold no real value. Since citizens in this society are constantly absorbed in media and television, the government uses this as a means of imparting its beliefs. The government wishes to keep people distracted, so it shows programs that are heavy in visual and auditory stimulus. These stimuli keep the people totally engrossed in what is going on in their television screens, so that they do not know or care about what is going on in the world. This is desirable by the government because throughout the novel it is trying to cover up a huge war that threatens to destroy the world. Also, the people have been persuaded that books are not necessary. Books have been replaced by the government, and sex magazines and comics remain in their place. To further this aversion to books, the government set up the firemen, whose job it is to enforce the laws against books. People have come to believe that life should be lived fast, books are irrelevant, and the television is family. If a government exerts too much control over those whom it rules, rebellion will naturally occur. There is no possible way for a government to persuade, even brainwash, every individual into believing its ideology. There will always be someone that does not conform, goes against the norm, and discovers the truth. Bernard Marx is the first rebel that is seen in Brave New World. He tries desperately to conform to this hedonistic society, but unfortunately he can not. Bernard is set apart from his peers by the fact that he is very short. His friends decided that his shortness is due to alcohol being inserted into his blood surrogate by mistake Huxley 46. His lack of height separates him from the other Alpha-pluss and he even has to yell at Epsilons to get his orders obeyed. Other characteristics that set him apart are his dislike of the feelies, soma, and his lack of promiscuity wikipedia. Bernard feels a great amount of jealousy for his sexual rivals, even though this type of feeling is not supposed to occur. Bernard seems to be more of a human, as opposed to his robotic peers who are walking, talking extensions of the government. Bernard is a rebel because he doesnt fit in with his counterparts due to his size. He also dislikes the normal, everyday things of society, and he experiences thoughts and emotions that he should have been conditioned not to feel. He is an anomaly in this perfect society. The next rebel is named Lenina Crowne; she works at the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Center. Lenina demonstrates several behaviors that are not what is considered normal. For example, she dates one man exclusively for nearly two months straight Huxley 39. This is extremely unconventional, because she was conditioned to be very sexually promiscuous. Also, she sleeps with Bernard Marx, who is not a very handsome or well-liked man Huxley 58. Lastly, she develops a great liking for John the Savage, almost to the point of being in love with him Huxley 191. She does not understand these feelings, so she tries to act upon them in the only way she knows how to, through sex. Unfortunately, John is appalled by her behavior and treats her violently wikipedia. The last rebel from this novel is named John, or John the Savage. John lived with his mother, Linda on an Indian reservation. John is mocked there because of his fair skin, and because his mother is very promiscuous Huxley 125. When Lenina and Bernard visit the reservation, they bring John back with them. He is very popular amongst the World State citizens. However, he does not fit in with their world. He has been conditioned by the works of Shakespeare, and desires pain, love, and sin Huxley 132. He cannot find any of these things in the World State, and he is disgusted by their promiscuity and use of things like soma. He eventually isolates himself and performs regular self-purging rituals. He is eventually commits suicide, beaten by the brave new world. Slowly, very slowly, like two unhurried compass needles, the feet turned towards the right; north, north-east, east, south-east, south, south-south-west; then paused, and, after a few seconds, turned as unhurriedly back towards the left. South-south-west, south, south-east, eastà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Huxley 267. John was a true outcast, denied both in his Indian tribe, and in the World State. The rebels in Orwells novel, 1984, are more conscious about their acts of rebellion. Winston Smith is a man who works in the Ministry of Truth. His work there leads to a preoccupation with the real truth Orwell 68-69. He begins to question Big Brothers policy. At the ministry of truth, he meets a young woman named Julia, a mechanic. They begin to have an illicit sexual relationship, meeting in the country, and other secluded places Orwell 100. As this goes on, Winston continues to grow in his questioning of Big Brother, and the English Socialism that is in place. He and Julia see their relationship as a way to rebel against the Party, and they are eventually arrested by the Thought Police. They are each questioned separately in the Ministry of Love, and Winston is tortured numerous times Orwell 186. His captors are seeking to change Winstons very thoughts, and they are successful in bringing Winston back to loving Big Brother. In this case, the overpowering, and ever-present government was able to suppress rebellion. In Ray Bradburys novel, Fahrenheit 451, there are five major rebellious characters. The first that is seen is a seventeen year old girl named Clarisse. Clarisse meets the main character, Guy Montag, outside on the street near their homes. She immediately comes off as strange and mature for her age. Clarisse has a deep appreciation for nature and people. She is one of the only characters that is not caught up in the fast paced society. They want to know what I do with my time. I tell them that sometimes I just sit and think. But I wont tell them what. Ive got them running. And sometimes, I tell them, I like to put my head back, like this, and let the rain fall in my mouth. It tastes just like wine. Have you ever tried it? Bradbury 23. Clarisse introduces Guy to nature and thought. She grabs him by the arm and slows him down. He begins to have a deep appreciation for her, and for her original way of thinking, although he still finds it strange. Unfortunately, Clarisse is killed in a high-speed car accident. This is ironic, because she talked frequently of how fast cars went, and how they never slowed down to see anything. After the death of Clarisse, Guy becomes increasingly interested in what exactly books have to say. This interest was sparked by a special call he got at the fire station. They got a call to go to an old womans home and burn her books. When they got there, she refused to exit the house, and ended up lighting her home on fire with herself in it. Guy decided that there must be something in books if an old woman is willing to be burned with them, rather than having them be burned for her. There must be something in books, things we cant imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You dont stay for nothing Bradbury 51. This womans act of rebellion drove Guy to find out what merit there was in books. Eventually, he met Faber, a retired English professor. Faber deeply loved books, yet was too afraid of the consequences to rebel. Towards the latter end of the story, Guy Montag ended up on the run from the hound. He came across a group of people, led by a man named Granger, who memorize entire texts as a way to preserve literature. Guy joined them, and they continue in their act of rebellion, preserving the written word. Dystopian societies are a world in which no human would ever want to live. They are dysfunctional societies, in which person rights and freedoms are sacrificed to further the government, and its goals. The governments are always very powerful, and exert complete control over the lives of its subjects. People are usually divided up into social classes, and they have no control over them. This warped view of life leads to the development of skewed relationships between people, and a skewed sense of identity. People do not see themselves as humans, but as possessions, or government drones. The government censors written literature, television, plays and the like, and replaces them with their own, promoting their own goals. Technology, which is capable of making a country a superpower, instead helps to make the government a superpower. Technology is used to invade peoples space, thoughts, and privacy; it strips the individual out of every natural human right. The government also implements brainwashing, to ensure that all citizens believe what the government believes. Brainwashing takes away individual thought, and makes each person an extension of the government. However, despite all this, there are always a few individuals who rise up and challenge the authority. Sometimes this rebellion is intended, sometimes its not, and unfortunately it is rarely ever successful. Each of the above traits can be seen heavily in the three most famous dystopian novels of all time; Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley, 1984 written by George Orwell, and Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury. All of these authors are presenting a warning, by showing the direction in which the world is heading. Every piece of literature has a purpose. Perhaps the purpose of dystopian fiction is to keep the world from making a horrible mistake, and paying the ultimate price in the sacrificing of human right in return for power.