Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How to Be a Football Player Free Essays

How to be a Football Player Football has always been America’s natural past time. Many fans love watching football but do not realize how hard it is to prepare for a football season. Most fans think the players just show up on the one day and perform. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Be a Football Player or any similar topic only for you Order Now This belief is completely false. Preparing for a football season requires much preparation. The preparation for most football players usually includes working on strength, conditioning, and fundamentals of the game. These steps are necessary for football players to have a successful season. These steps have proven to be a valuable aid in helping players such as myself prepare for the season. I believe these steps are the basic steps to becoming a great Football player. The first step to becoming a great football player is working to improve your conditioning. Conditioning is basically a way of improving your body’s endurance resistance and overall athleticism. To improve your conditioning you start off running for multiple times daily. Every second of the day you spend running your increasing your athleticism and the condition your body is in which is a very valuable concept in any sport. The more u condition the more your body will be able to endure and endurance is a big part in football if you plan to stay on the field. By increasing the condition your body is you will have set your self up in improve your physicality, endurance, and mentality. Next, you should start working out using weights to improve your chances for success in the upcoming season. I believe that this step puts you ahead of the other athletes. A strict weight training schedule has allowed many athletes to stay in top shape throughout the years. This second step is imperative to becoming a successful football player is by increasing your strength. Strength is just important as conditioning because football is game of physicality. To improve your strength you can start off with push ups dips and sits to get your body toned up. After toning your body that’s when you start lifting weights to build lean muscle instead of toning up your muscles. Weights lifting include exercises such bench press, squats, and leg presses etc. Every work out in the weight room improves different parts of the body like you chest, calves, triceps, biceps, forearms etc. By working on all these body parts different days of the week such as Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays you will continue to develop strength and your body mass. The final step in preparing for the upcoming season and being successful in football is being prepared mentally. Being mentally prepared consists of four things concentration, confidence, control and commitment. Football requires concentration because you have to be able to focus on the task that is at hand. Football requires confidence because you have to believe you achieve a certain goal then go achieve it. Control is also a part of the mental process because an athlete’s ability to maintain control of their emotions in the face of adversity and remain positive is essential to successful performance. The fourth and final asset of the mental process is commitment, there is an insurmountable amount of things you have to remember in football and a football players performance depends on the athlete being fully committed to the game and his team if the player plans on being successful at the game. As much emphasis as athletes put on the physical aspect of the game the mental part is just as important. Football Consist of plays, assignments, coverage’s and a thousand other things that you have to be cognizant of. In conclusion, I feel that preparing to be a great football player requires much preparation. It’s not enough to just play the game you have to understand the game and how much dedication and preparation goes into the game. You have to have a great amount of endurance, strength, speed and commitment to play this sport. Once you connect all of the pieces to the puzzle you will be a football player. How to cite How to Be a Football Player, Essay examples

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