Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Women as Commodity - 8915 Words

WOMEN AS COMMODITY Women As Commodity Since ancient times, There people who are being sold just like a mere things sold in a market to be slaves, pimp, and its quiet alarming that even naive child is a victim of this kind of discursive life. Women have been also analyzed to be part of those bundles of things paraded, bidded for, sold, and traded off despite the fact that women are making huge contributions for the development of their countries in different aspects today, still women are being tricked as commodity. In Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing, not only focused on the love story of Claudio and Hero; the volatile relationship of Beatrice and Benedik but it also goes much deeper in exploring the tensions between the†¦show more content†¦Many female fetuses have been killed because of this method as couples whom prefer sons. One Indian said: It is better to spend 500 rupees (for amniocentesis) now than to spend 500,000 rupees later for a daughters marriage dowry. Japenese women feminists have decried thir countrymen who leave their wives walking ten feet behind him, thereby also treating them like commodities. Here in the Philippines, we have a history of various types of commodizing women too. Some landlords require their tenants to make their daughters or wives work in their mansions to render domestic services, maybe sometimes sexual services too, in cases when the tenant fathers are sunk in debt to them and cannot pay back. Wilhelmina Orozco learned on a research how some prostitutes in Olongapo suffer double exploitation when they cannot refuse their managers demanding sexual favors for them, lest they lose their chances of working in his nightclub. Even some orphanages engage in commodizing women. Their administrators trick the parents of rich pregnant women, ashamed of the stigma attached to unwed mothers, or those poor women into donating their babies to them which they then sell off to rich donors abroad. The term donation instead of payment for the baby becomes a smokescreen to cover up the commerce. Conclusion The concept of surrogate motherhood is becoming very accepted way of infertile couples to have a child of their own. Although it is anShow MoreRelatedWomen as Commodity8899 Words   |  36 PagesWOMEN AS COMMODITY Women As Commodity Since ancient times, There people who are being sold just like a mere things sold in a market to be slaves, pimp, and its quiet alarming that even naive child is a victim of this kind of discursive life. Women have been also analyzed to be part of those bundles of things paraded, bidded for, sold, and traded off despite the fact that women are making huge contributions for the development of their countries in different aspects today, still women areRead MoreThe Sexual Commodification Of Women1424 Words   |  6 Pagesthe sexual commodification of women. 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There are five distinctive sections within this chapter: malls, power and resistance , consuming women , commodities and women , conspicuous consumption , and progress and the new. I intend to look at each section separately, finally connecting the whole chapter at the end of my analysis. The first section from this chapter is titled Malls, Power andRead MorePatriarchal Capitalist Society : An Analysis Of The Commodity Fetishism Of The Female Slender Body911 Words   |  4 PagesPatriarchal Capitalist Society: An Analysis of the Commodity Fetishism of the Female Slender Body This feminist study will define the commodity fetishism of the slender female body within the social relationships of patriarchal capitalism and sales marketing. In American society, the female body has a history of being exploited through patriarchal interpretations of the slender body as part of capitalist commoditization. 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Imperialism can be defined as a country simply becoming stronger by expanding its ownership of territories across the globe. Globalization and imperialism combined both contrib ute to the creation of new labor systems by sharing ideas and needs for different sources of labor. As globalization and Imperialism continued to grow different commodities adapted their own labor systems. One example of a commodity-specific labor system is

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Network Based Grading System Free Essays

Such systems do not relate expectations, outcomes and performance. As each students desires to desire a good score for each assignment , exam, project and/or report, the whole Network Based Grading System Network Based Grading System is vital in this generation, specially to teachers and students. This is a seem that could Nag network based grading system system ay sis as MGM Gilligan as pantheon Nagoya Lola an as MGM student at as MGM guru. We will write a custom essay sample on Network Based Grading System or any similar topic only for you Order Now Dahl mass anabolism zeugma Eng MGM grades Eng student gambit nag sang system gay intoning network based grading system. Gambit nag computer pawed gaming tong system. Saginaw tit as sang programming language an visual basic at may gasman database din an Microsoft office access kayak awaiting an network base ease contaminating tit g sis cable o local area network cable gambit tong cable an tit pawed mum I share nag files Eng student as MGM admit Eng school o professor. Mari ding gaming tong system an tit chit wall gang access as internet Dahl sis Lang tong local area network(LANA) an geminate Lang Eng cable an may raja an illegally Lang as liked Eng computer. Nag network based ay moron din disadvantage sis as MGM problems .NET ay kappa nag LANA Cable MO ay an putout,computer broken, at LANA Cable unplug kappa angrier Yuan Hindi aka mage kappa share Eng files as bang Tao minimal Lang gung my Bluetooth nag computer MO. Nag network based grading system kayak name tit an sipping again pang maculating as MGM professor at student Para amiability nag page gaga Eng MGM grades at mainstays Eng tama nag MGM grades. Zeugma din came Eng MGM button as system an tit gay Eng save,update,delete, at add button Para Hindi an maharani nag gambit into. Nag pià ±ata user intoning system an tit ay nag admit Eng school at professor sill Lang nag may kayaking gambit intoning system an tit. Hindi gay among unsung pantheon an Mann Mann nag page gaga Eng MGM grades Eng student kayak Amman mass maharani o mantilla nag MGM professor as page gaga Eng MGM reads at may moron ding possibility an wall pa nag MGM grades Eng student kappa nag aka tan an MGM Akron Eng mammals Eng Islamabad Hindi Tulsa as pantheon Nagoya an modern an nag page gaga Eng grades Eng MGM student anabases nag oars Eng page gaga as grades Eng student at pawed mum din save as USB MO nag files Eng MGM grades Eng student at buskin analog as bang computer. Tong system an tit ay inlaying din name Eng surname at password pang ma swain gung Sino Sino nag gambit Samaritan Amman as MGM gusto o as MGM Hindi pa NASA register as system an tit inlaying din name tit Eng register for new user . NC’ Skip to main content Skip to navigation Resources How To About INCUBI Accesses Sign in to INCUBI MAC US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Top of Form Search terminates database Search Limits Advanced Journal list Help Bottom of Form Journal List v. 23(7308); 2001 Gag 11 MIMIC 120936 BMW. 2001 Gag 11; 323(7308): 334-336. MIMIC: MIMIC 120936 A new system for grading recommendations in evidence based guidelines Robin Harbor, information manager and Juliet Miller, director for the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network Grading Review Group Author information Article notes Copyright and License information This article has been cited by other articles in MAC. The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) develops evidence based clinical guidelines for the NASH in Scotland. The key elements of the methodology are (a) that guidelines are developed by multidisciplinary groups; (b) they are based on a systematic review of the scientific evidence; and (c) recommendations are explicitly linked to the supporting evidence and graded according to the strength of that evidence. Until recently, the System or grading guideline recommendations was based on the work of the IIS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (formerly the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research). 1,2 However, experience over more than five years of guideline development led to a growing awareness of this systemic weaknesses. Firstly, the grading system was designed largely for application to questions of effectiveness, where randomized controlled trials are accepted as the most robust study design with the least risk of bias in the results. However, in many areas of medical practice randomized trials may to be practical or ethical to undertake; and for many questions other types of study design may provide the best evidence. Secondly, guideline development groups often fail to take adequate account of the methodological quail ¶y’ of individual studies and the overall picture presented by a body of evidence rather than individual studies or they fail to apply sufficient judgment to the overall strength of the evidence base and its applicant ability to the target population of the guideline. Thirdly, guideline users are often not clear about the implications of the grading system. They misinterpret the grade of recommendation as relating to its importance, rather than to the strength of the supporting evidence, and may therefore fail to give due weight to low grade recommendations. Summary points A revised system of determining levels of evidence and grades of recommendation for evidence based clinical guidelines has been developed Levels of evidence are based on study design and the methodological quality of individual studies All studies related to a specific question are summarized in an evidence table Guideline developers must make a considered judgment bout the generalizations, applicability, consistency, and clinical impact of the evidence to create a clear link between the evidence and recommendation Grades of recommendation are based on the strength of supporting evidence, taking into account its overall level and the considered judgment of the guideline developers In 1 998, SIGN undertook to review and, where appropriate, to refine the system for evaluating guideline evidence and grading recommendations. The review had three main objectives. Firstly, the group aimed to develop a system that would maintain the link between the trench of the available evidence and the grade of the recommendation, while allowing recommendations to be based on the best available evidence and be weighted accordingly. Secondly, it planned to ensure that the grading system incorporated formal assessment of the methodological quality, quantity, consistency, and applicability of the evidence base. Thirdly, the group hoped to present the grading system in a clear and unambiguous way that would allow guideline developers and users to understand the link between the strength of the evidence and the grade of recommendation. Go to: Methods The review group decided that a more explicit and structured approach (figure) to the process of developing recommendations was required to address the weaknesses identified in the existing grading system. The four key stages in the process identified by the group are shown in the box. The strength of the evidence provided by an individual study depends on the ability of the study design to minimize the possibility of bias and to maximize attribution. The hierarchy of study types adopted by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research is widely accepted as reliable in this regard and is even in box boxier. 1 Box 1 Hierarchy of study types The strength of evidence provided by a study is also influenced by how well the study was designed and carried out. Failure to give due attention to key aspects of study methods increases the risk of bias or confounding and thus reduces the stud’s reliability. 3 The critical appraisal of the evidence base undertaken for SIGN guidelines therefore focuses on those aspects of study design which research has shown to have a significant influence on the validity of the results and conclusions. These key questions differ between hypes of studies, and the use of checklists is recommended to ensure that all relevant aspects are considered and that a consistent approach is used in the methodological assessment of the evidence. We carried out an extensive search to identify existing checklists. These were then reviewed in order to identify a validated model on which SIGN checklists could be based. The checklists developed by the New South Wales Department of Health were selected because of the rigorous development and validation procedures they had undergone. 4 These checklists were further evaluated and adapted y the grading review group in order to meet SIGN’s requirements for a balance between methodological rigor and practicality of use. New checklists were developed for systematic reviews, randomized trials, and cohort and case control studies, and these were tested with a number of SIGN development groups to ensure that the wording was clear and the checklists produced consistent results. As a result of these tests, some of the wording of the checklists was amended to improve clarity. A supplementary checklist covers issues specific to the evaluation of diagnostic tests. This was eased on the New South Wales checklist,4 adapted with reference to the work of the Cochrane Methods Working Group on Systematic Review of Screening and Diagnostic Tests and Caruthers et al. 5,6 The checklists use written responses to the individual questions, with users then assigning studies an overall rating according to specified criteria (see box boxer). The full set of checklists and detailed notes on their use are available from SIGN. 7 Box 2 Key stages in developing recommendations Synthesis of the evidence The next step is to extract the relevant data from each study that was rated as avian a low or moderate risk of bias and to compile a summary of the individual studies and the overall direction of the evidence. A single, well conducted, systematic review or a very large randomized trial with clear outcomes could support a recommendation independently. Smaller, less well conducted studies require a body of evidence displaying a degree of consistency to support a recommendation. In these circumstances an evidence table presenting summaries of all the relevant studies should be compiled. Considered judgment Having completed a rigorous and objective synthesis of the evidence base, he guideline development group must then make what is essentially a subjective judgment on the recommendations-?one that can validly be made on the basis of this evidence. This requires the exercise of judgment based on clinical experience as well as knowledge of the evidence and the methods used to generate it. Although it is not practical to lay out â€Å"rules† for exercising judgment, guideline development groups are asked to consider the evidence in terms of quantity, quality, and consistency; applicability; generalizations; and clinical impact. Increasing the role of subjective judgment in this way risks he reintroduction of bias into the process. It must be emphasized that this is not the judgment of an individual but of a carefully composed multidisciplinary group. An additional safeguard is the requirement for the guideline development group to present clearly the evidence on which the recommendation is based, making the link between evidence and recommendation explicit and explaining how they interpreted that evidence. Grading system The revised grading system (box (box)BE) is intended to strike an appropriate balance between incorporating the complexity Of type and laity of the evidence and maintaining clarity for guideline users. The key changes from the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research system are that the study type and quality rating are combined in the evidence level; the grading of recommendations extrapolated from the available evidence is clarified; and the grades of recommendation are extended from three to four categories, effectively by splitting the previous grade B which was seen as covering too broad a range of evidence type and quality. How to cite Network Based Grading System, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

APPARTS Essay Example For Students

APPARTS Essay Martin Luther Letter to German Nobility Author The man Who created this letter was known as Martin Luther. He was a clergy man from Germany and a professor of theology. His worry that he would never be good enough to earn salvation in the way the Catholicism taught, he searched for answers and came to the conclusion that one does not go to heaven simply through good works. He learned through the scripture that humans are, and never will be, perfect enough to pass through the gates of heaven. But through the the Lord Jesus who, though he was perfect himself, bore the wrath of God, died on a cross, and was risen three says later. Luther could then rest in the fact that although he was a sinful man, he had been saved by Gods mercy and could rest in that fact that he would never have to be perfect and could hope is His coming. This primary source outfit the view tot a man who has come to see faith as he thinks is correct and who is striving to open the eyes of his fellow believers. Place and Time Martin Lathers Address of the Christian Nobility was written in 1520 in Germany. We will write a custom essay on APPARTS specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now This was the beginning of the Protestant Reformation of which he was ere involved. It was during the Renaissance and people were beginning to second guess the catholic church. Especially princes of lands because they did not like having to be under the ultimate rule Of a Holy Roman Emperor. This would become important to Lathers journey because, after he was deemed a criminal and had to keep on the moue, these nobles would Offer his shelter in their castles while he fought to live and spread what he believed to be the true Gospel. A presumption that readers may bring to the text is that Luther was just another insane believer of God. Now in the 21st century, there has been a back lash at religion. People prefer to think logically and believer everything scientists tell them. Students of history may brush off important texts having to do with Christianity due to this aversion towards it and therefore have a distorted view of it. No particular part of the text would be objectionable, just the fact the it has to do with Christian salvation. ROR Knowledge The only prior knowledge that I can think of that might bear weight on the interpretation of this document is the protestant Reformation. As we talked bout in class, the Protestant Reformation was brought on by, one could say, a thirst for power by some and a search for true salvation by others. It is important to remember while analyzing this primary source that Luther was one of the first to actually say something so on-catholic a survive. He was not the true f irst but the first to be able to delve more into understanding the scripture rather than taking What the church said and believing it Without question. Audience This source was created in order to spark debate with people higher in the church hierarchy. This does not really affect the reliability of the source because its author, Martin Luther, had written it in order to controversy on purpose. His intent was to make people think about what he had to say and send the world of Christianity into nearly completer chaos. This document is to the point and honest because of what it was created to do. Reason Lathers address to the Christian nobility was written at the time that it was because he was in the midst of a movement called the protestant Reformation. .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c , .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c .postImageUrl , .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c , .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c:hover , .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c:visited , .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c:active { border:0!important; } .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c:active , .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua9f43ca9a830fa131b06406b6486fb0c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: My Dream Meal EssayNot only was he battling the ever present feeling that what he was doing for lavational would never be good enough, he was also having to deal with a corrupt church system. The occasion for its creation was to spark controversy and debate. Luther vented to discuss his ideas and hoped to change the church from the inside out. He did not vent to be rid of the church, he only wanted to fix it. For him, salvation and peace Of mind for all Christendom his at stake. He wrote it in order to do his Christian duty and help other believers in the ever present search for God. He thought that the church hierarchy were hypocritical and made no sense. He wanted to make Christianity a religion worth following and thought that Catholicism was not meeting the criteria and teaching things that were not true and good. As he said himself, The Romantics have, with great adroitness, drawn three walls round themselves, with which they have hitherto protected themselves, so that no one could reform them, whereby all Christendom has fallen terribly. The Main Idea The main idea that the source is trying to convey is that Christianity is not a religion you can build a hierarchy upon. He stresses that the Catholic church has lilt a wall around itself and has been made in-accelerates to people outside of it, Also it is reluctant to retort. Luther thinks that it is important to the Walls to be torn down. He refers to them as the walls of Jericho and says, Now may God help us, and give us one of those trumpets that overthrew the walls of Jericho, so that we may blow down these walls of straw and paper, and that we may set free our Christian rods for the chastisement of sin, and expose the craft and deceit of the devil, so that eve may amend ourselves by punishment and again obtain Gods favor. Which clearer shows his devotion to finding God and teaching people about Him. The text is trying to make people high up in the church reconsider how they view their religion. The strategy he uses to do this is making Bible analogies As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, Luther makes reference to Jericho in his quest to bring down the walls Of the Roman Catholic Church. He c arries this out by going step by step through the prose of training them down the metaphorical walls and With each wall he makes a point Of What it Will do for Christianity. Significance This source is important because it is a documentation of a letter written by the first man to challenge the catholic church and live to tell the tale. It marks the launching of the reformation when it really began to snowball and shows the way Luther was feeling about the importance of his, and others, faith. A history student should take away an understanding of how things were beginning to change in the realm of Christianity during the Renaissance period and how it eventually affected how we today live and view religion.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Portfolios And Standardized Tests - Pros And Cons Essays

Portfolios And Standardized Tests - Pros And Cons Portfolios and standardized tests are two types of ways teachers can assess their students. There are many advantages and disadvantages to both assessments. Right now, whether teachers agree with standardized tests or not, all teachers have to give them to their students. Portfolios on the other hand, are not required in a classroom, because it is not a required assessment for all teachers to use. Portfolios are folders that hold students works in any or all subjects that teachers choose to use them for. They hold all different types of work a student creates. It has A work to work that needs more improvement on inside the folders. The students choose what goes in their portfolio, not the teacher. Standardized tests are tests administered to each student at the same time. They have a time limit to them and their test scores are based on the norm. Much of school-based assessment does actually prevent students from becoming thoughtful respondents to, and to be able to judge their own work. Portfolios help students learn to assess their own progress as learners, and teachers gain new views of their accomplishments in teaching. They also give students responsibility for taking the lead in evaluating their own work, enlarging the view of what is learned, a place for process and a developmental point of view. Some important things that matter when dealing with portfolios is a student's performance on the kind of skills that appear on tests, that first-draft work is good enough and achievement matters to the exclusion of development. There are centrally two aims that teachers have for student portfolios. The first is to design ways of evaluating student learning that, will be essentially providing information to teachers and school systems, it will also model personal responsibility in questioning and reflecting on one's own work. The second is to find ways of capturing growth over time so that students can become informed and thoughtful assessors of their own histories as learners. What teachers have students do is at the end of the school year, is let the student go back inside their portfolio and reflect on their own work. The students return to their portfolios or collections of work, and see what has changed from the beginning of the school year or what still remains to be done or worked on. This gives students a responsibility, because they are responsible for evaluating their own work. Authentic or performance assessments do provide opportunities for students and teachers to learn, often together, about the standards of good work with respect to more valued outcomes. Each student is often incorporated in as an active agent in the evaluative process, not as an object to be evaluated. The portfolio activity is a process of production, perception, selection, and reflection that is exercised by each student over his or her collections of school work. Portfolios even provide a school district with a level of achievement. Portfolios are profoundly important to children. All children have a natural ability and desire to tell a story through the contents of the portfolio. Student portfolios tell a story. The real contents of a portfolio are the child's thoughts and his or her reasons for selecting a particular entry. That selection process reflects the interests and the metacognitive maturity of a child and the inspiration and influence offered by the teachers. Portfolios serve as a metaphor for our continued belief in the idea that children can play a major role in the assessment scene of their own learning. Using an authentic assessment tool could provide a more realistic picture of each student's individual subject achievement and progress by demonstrating growth and development over a period of time, involving students in assessing their own growth and reflecting many aspects of students area of knowledge and understanding. Portfolios provide teachers with information about students' progress, thought processes, achievements and needs. They should accommodate teachers' and students' individual needs, while allowing students to take an active role in assessing their work and encouraging them to take responsibility for their own learning. Students should begin to set goals for themselves and check their progress toward reaching these goals. This will help promote self-esteem. Students and teachers

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Fifth business by Robertson Davies Essays

Fifth business by Robertson Davies Essays Fifth business by Robertson Davies Paper Fifth business by Robertson Davies Paper In a way he is imprisoning himself with Boys affairs yet Boy doesnt seem to mind at all. The narrator has nothing and nobody in his life and the only thing he relates to are Boys affairs and he explains everything Boy does against Leola that Boy truly loves her and that all the other girls mean nothing. Then in the final paragraphs the narrator remembers Hahn 4 his past experiences with the physical act of love and how much pleasure it provided him. Now it annoyed [him] that Boy had her, although he doesnt want her but he wants to simply find someone to love his disfigured body. The narrator believed that Leola really loved him but that Boy made her believe differently. With this fact in the back of his had he was sour about the whole business although he didnt even want her back. The last paragraph talks about the narrator wanting what he had last when Diana left him since he often yearned for her. The relationship between Leola and Boy has revoked the inner feelings in the narrators heart, causing him to want somebody to love and simply become a normal human being again; accepting who he was and what has happened to him. : In the middle of this passage the narrator describes Leola staying an engaged girl and about Boys weekly visits to do some heavy petting with Leola. It also talks about Boys experience with gay girls who were experts in French kisses. This part of the passage as explained very thoroughly. Foreshadowing, which is present in this section. The narrator talks about this so in detail because later on in the passage he mentions that Leola had once thought she loved him, meaning the narrator could be the lucky man not Boy. It also foreshadows that the narrator wants to find some other girl like Leola, so he can share with her what he had with Diana. This extract ends with an allegory, the narrator realizes that what Boy has he doesnt really want but he wants a girl to love and that loves him. He knew Diana would try to make him something he was not but that did not stop [him], often and painfully, Hahn 5 from wanting her. He rejects the fact that he wants what Boy has all along yet what he really wants is a girl like Leola or Diana. This passage can be very deceiving at first sight, it seems as if it is about the narrator having a struggle between himself and comparing himself to Boy who seems to have everything but he doesnt want any of it. Yet underneath all this allusion it can be observed that the narrator really wants a girl and someone to love him. He also doesnt think Boy has earned everything he has since he hasnt been disfigured like the narrator has. I think this is a very powerful passage, of course I cant relate to it since I dont know how it feels to be so disfigured. Yet I do know how it feels to love someone and be with him or her all the time and then all of a sudden lose them. This was the worst feeling I have ever had, and that feeling combined with a disfigured body must be terrifying. Also seeing Boy who hasnt been injured in the war and has a woman like the narrator wants, using her simply as an object of lust. I believe the narrator couldnt experience more pain at moment. He has experienced pain, jealousy and envy as thoroughly as anyone will ever experience these feelings.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Broken Globe Stage 2

Characterization is the process by which authors make characters come alive for readers. Authors have many techniques available to portray characters, and they can broadly be divided into indirect and direct presentation. In the short story â€Å"The Broken Globe†, author Henry Kreisel brillantly develops the two principle characters, Nick Solchuk and his father, through indirect presentation. Consistency is the key to good characterization. From ? rst person point of view, the reader obtains a full portrait of both Nick and his father indirectly by learning what the narrator sees and hears somewhat objectively. Nick, the narrator’s friend, is a successful geophysicist studying the curvature of the earth. He demonstrates persistance, passion, and determination in the study of the earth. He asks the narrator â€Å"eagerly† with â€Å"his face reddening† about his paper to the International Congress. Even under the torture of his father, he still keeps his goal of proving that the earth moves. He even retorts his father by saying â€Å"You can beat me and break my globe, but you cannot stop [the earth] from moving. † This passage shows his determination in his belief. On the other hand, Nick’s father adopts personas of sophistication during the short visit of the narrator. His father is stubborn that he only believes what he sees is the truth: â€Å"[the earth] is ? at, and she stands still. † He is also imptuous and fractious that he â€Å"[beats] Nick like he is the devil† when he wants Nick to accept the same concept of the earth as he believes. Both characters are consistent and static, for they are still living in their own world: one lives in a ? at world and the other lives in the world of science. Another signi? cant objective of characterization is to reveal motivation. Kreisel’s story is set mainly in Alberta, a â€Å"land ? attens until there seemed nothing. † Living in Alberta, Nick’s father sees only the open prairies and ? elds every day; thus he perceives that the earth is exactly ? at and still as what he sees. Moreover, the reader learns that he is hard to change his mind because â€Å"he received an education of sorts when he was a boy. † Therefore, he believes that the earth is the center of the universe and the center is still. Similarly, Nick’s motivation is intrigued by a teacher who teaches him the earth is round and is moving. This teacher’s â€Å"enthusiasm [is] infectious† as Nick says. The teacher shows Nick a world larger than the ?at prairies, a world that is exuberent. Although the two characters’ own views of the world contradict one another, they do care and love each other. To build characters that convincing, the author must make their actions realistic and believable. Nick and his father are plausible due to their backgrounds. Nick’s father is taught that â€Å"the earth is ? at and still,† and what he sees outside in Alberta is only the far-distant prairies with â€Å"neither hill nor tree nor bush. † Furthermore, Nick, suffering from the violence of his father, always illustrates indomitable perserverence in seeking the truth. He continually shows to his father a globe can move, even though he knows his father will be mad. People with bond ? de determination can achieve their goals, just like Nick achieves his goal and becomes a geophysicist (to prove his father wrong? ). Altogether, they both are rounded characters in that they demonstrate many attributes and traits. Nick’s father is a stubborn, impulsive, and fractious father whereas Nick is a passionate, indomitable, and persistent geophysicist. In the story â€Å"The Broke Globe† Henry Kreisel effectively utilizes many techniques to develop characters, and further reveals a thoughtful insight into life. Nick’s father who insistently believes that the world is ? at and still lives in his own â€Å"broken globe†, where â€Å"Satan has taken over all the world† but him. 1. Sample Task for English 12 Writing Prepared by Seaquam Page 15 Characterization: A Father and a Son, How the Apple Falls Characters can make a short story rich and worth reading. In Henry Kreisel’s â€Å"The Broke Globe† the differences in ethics between a man and his father is seen through the eyes of a somewhat neutral narrator. Nick Solchuk is a brilliant man of science, while his father is the polar opposite. His father is a pious prairie farmer who does not value higher education or the values its teaches. Even though these characters are presented indirectly, Kreisel utilizes other methods to develop the characters. He shows them as static and round characters who are plausible and who remain consistent. Being ? rst person narrative, no direct presentation is used because the author cannot speak directly. He simply assumes the persona of a a narrator and therefore all presentation is indirect. One can ? nd out a lot about a character by what others say about him. Nick’s father is developed in the beginning during the conversation between Nick and the narrator. At this point the reader discovers that Nick and his father differ in many ways. Obviously, Nick is a man of great intelligence as the narrator say, â€Å"he studied at Cambridge and got his doctorate there and was now doing research at the Imperial College. † The reader also learns that despite being a brilliant man, nick whistfully remembers his simple childhood growing up in Three Bear Hills, Alberta. Nick’s father is developed much the same way later on in the conversation. Nick reveals that his father is a polar opposite. Nick’s father is shown as a religious prairie farmer with â€Å"a strange imagination. † Nick also explains why there is tension between himself and his father. â€Å"Curious man my father. He had strange ideas and a strange imagination too. He couldn’t understand why I was going to school or university. † â€Å"I suddenly realized that the shape of the world he lived in had O been O ? xed for him by some medieval priest in the small Ukranian villiage he was born in O But he still lived in the universe of the medieval church. : The reader now knows that Nick and his father are very different. Dialogue becomes a very important part of this story. The reader learns a lot about the father by what he says and by what he says he does. The ? rst meeting between the father and the narrator shows a lot about the father. â€Å"You friend of NickOWhat he do now? O still tampering with the earth? † Now, it has been con? rmed that Nick’s ideas differ greatly from his father’s. Nick’s father may be a simple prairie farmer, but that does not mean that he is rude. The father acts very formally when inviting the narrator inside his house. He stands as the narrator comes in, which is a sign of respect; he even brings out coffee for the narrator. The reader continues to learn about the relationship Nick’s father has with his son, and certain other people. The father explains how he exploded at a teacher for â€Å"letting Satan in† and for teaching Nick science at school. This act shows how the father deals with other people. The father goes on to elaborate on how he dealt with Nick as a child. â€Å"I grab him by the arm and I shake him and I beat him like he was the devilOAnd he made me madder and madder because he doesn’t cry or shout or nothing. † â€Å"I would of killed him right there for sure. † The reader now knows how he handles his son. Nick and his father are both static, round characters. They do not change at the end of the story, but they have many traits. Nick’s father proves he does not change by saying to the narrator â€Å"Satan has taken over all the world. † Then he suddenly rousled himself and hits the table with his ? st crying passionately, â€Å"But not me! Not me! † The characters act consistently throughout the story. â€Å"The Broken Globe† is a deeply driven character story. Both main characters are well developed. In some cases, the apple falls very far from the tree.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The opportunities for YSL to expand into the youth market Dissertation

The opportunities for YSL to expand into the youth market - Dissertation Example This essay discusses that luxury fashion now plays a significant role in society and the economy, the revenue has raised every year no matter in western or eastern countries. More and more people are willing to put their budget on buying luxury goods even for their children. Globalization has made luxury fashion consumers have more choices to purchase, based on this circumstance; luxury brands need to create their brand strategy, unique selling proposition or market extension to face competitors. YSL is a French luxury brand with high reputation in the field of fashion industry, although its legendary concept has been deeply rooted in people for a long time, however, with the changes of time, it is a fact that YSL does not make a significant profit than in the past. How could YSL restore its splendid time and create its niche are the purposes of the dissertation. Many cases have shown that there is an increasing number of brands to launch second line to expand young market, it is bel ieved that younger consumers are lucrative consumers, in addition, teenagers are more and more considered as potential luxury consumers and are therefore the focus of some firm’s marketing investments in an attempt to construct a solid and loyal consumer base. It is undeniable that today’s young consumers are tomorrow’s adult consumers, with more purchasing power; therefore, having them as loyal customers early will result in a loyal adult consumer base. Based on this trend, it could be an opportunity for YSL to launch a secondary lines in order to attract youth market. Luxury fashion industry commonly manipulates advertisement which "feature products, models, celebrities and society personalities in advertising to reflect the brand essence and message" to communicate with their consumers (Okonkwo, 2007). Advertising is regarded as an important instrument which facilitates the decision making of the young customers, if they are going to buy the products offered by YSL. Different claims had already been regarded about the influence and impact of advertisement to a specific target market. While it has been associated to other determinants, the impact of advertising with the perspective of aesthetics and beauty, specifically for women have became renowned in the global market. In this regard, this part aims on discussing the importance of advertising specifically to attract the attention of the young customers for YSL. In a common aspect, advertising has been used to impart to the target customers of a specific brand or product and how it can be accessed and purchase. In addition, it also provides crucial data and information, specifically the characteristics and features of the customers. When an efficient advertising is attained efficiently, this can result to an enhanced demand of the brand. The main goal and purpose of visual analysis is to attract young generation by using the aspect of advertising. Contents Essay 1 Context issue: critic al evaluation of the relationship

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Should state legislatures be removed from the redistricting process Essay

Should state legislatures be removed from the redistricting process for congress and their own seats and would doing so improve - Essay Example In the US, redistricting is fundamentally political because legislators are responsible to draw electoral districts in many states. Courts have been intervening in the process to a great extent. These aspects of redistricting are inter-related and have made the process highly controversial because the outcomes are mostly prejudiced in favoring one political party over another. Redistricting matters a lot because people’s representatives in the state and federal governments frame regulations, which impact several issues such as taxes, security, prices and the environment in which people live. This paper will examine whether state legislatures should be removed from the redistricting process for Congress and whether doing so will improve the public policy process. Main Body Elections are held at regular intervals in ensuring that people’s representatives work towards welfare activities. All state legislators and many legislators in the Congress represent districts that pa rtition states and voters into geographical regions. In majority districts, voters are eventually represented by legislators that win the maximum votes. The manner in which voters are assembled into districts has a strong bearing on the people that will represent them and the kind of policies they will follow. For instance, a district comprising mainly of farmers will, in all probability elect a legislator who will work towards their cause. But a district that comprises of mainly urban citizens would in all probability elect a person who has different concerns. In similar vein, regions characterized with groups of similar language, ethnicity, race and political lineage will probably elect a person with similar characteristics. Therefore, the manner in which the districts are created can impact the constitution of the legislature. It is thus apparent that there would be different legislators if the districts are drawn in different ways. The process of redistricting mostly draws a lot of attention and controversies are created because the process determines the communities that will be represented and the laws that will be made (Griffith, 2011). Redistricting is resorted to in the United States in reacting to change in populations that are determined by the outcomes of the census. The state legislature is vested with the authority to create redistricting plans that are in some cases subject to the governor’s approval. Every state in the US has its own law and constitutional requirements to redistrict. There are some aspects of the law concerning the federal government that have been introduced following decisions by the US Supreme Court. The Congress established the Voting Rights Act in 1965 that was amended in 1982. The Congress also exerts some control in the context of putting restrictions on the creation of electoral boundaries during the redistricting process. The courts in the US have played a major role in developing and interpreting redistricting laws. Essentially, a redistricting plan should create districts that have a balanced population and should not reduce the say of minority voters. In order to improve upon the public policy process, the redistricting plan should give credence to conventional redistricting issues such as contiguity, density and respect towards political subdivisions and communities (Canon, 1999). According to Halper and Simon (2011), removing state

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How structural and linguistic devices are used to target specific audiences in printed media texts Essay Example for Free

How structural and linguistic devices are used to target specific audiences in printed media texts Essay Different audiences expect and react to different ideas, presentational devices, linguistic devices and so on. For example teenagers may expect bright, vibrant colours and exciting design, whereas older people may look for softer, neutral colours and a more formal design. Of course, these are stereotypical views but the designers of the media texts must make them with a stereotypical view of their audience in mind. In this essay I will look at three different media texts aimed at different groups and explain how they attempt to appeal to these audiences. Firstly I will compare the ideas put forward in the three texts. In the Club 18-30 leaflet the focus is mainly on going out and having fun, in clubs, pubs and on beaches. The Superfamily piece talks about the activities that a family can participate in, such as pool games, quizzes, tennis courts, squash courts and fantasy golf. It also tells the audience about the things done to make a family holiday easier, such as baby care, childrens clubs and so on. The Forever Young brochure focuses on the older generation ands talks about the activities and facilities that they might enjoy, such as tennis, aerobics and golf, cathedrals to visit and conveniences like laundry services, money exchange, spacious bar and sun terraces. Now I will look at the presentational and structural devices in the three texts. In the Club 18-30 text bright, vibrant colours are used such as pink, blue, yellow and red. The title states the target audience straight away making it very obviously eye-catching to the right people. The pictures used are those of people dancing in a club and having fun as this is what most people going on this holiday want to do. This is not a full page advertisement as there is only a very small amount of information wanted; about the clubs, bars, beaches etc. This is all given in a fun, jaunty font with not too much reading needed. The Superfamily brochure is done in red, white and pale yellow. These are soft, welcoming, almost primary colours. This emphasises that this is a family advertisement. There are pictures a families by the pool as well as kids playing and having fun. All the borders are wavy and curved making this feel like a safe place for children and the font is plain. The Forever Young brochure has soft, autumn colours as well as natural blues and greens. Also, the pictures are serene. This is because the average older person wants a calm relaxing holiday. There is a full page layout with plain, simple borders. There are pictures of a cathedral and an empty pool. This helps add to the feeling of calm and relaxing on the holiday. I will next look at the language used in each of the pieces. In the Club 18-30 piece the language used is cool and slang with misspelled words such as in yer face. This is to target the younger audience. It is humorous yet with some facts, such as bars, clubs and beaches to visit. There are some opinions such as home to some of Europes premier DJs. It states what the younger audience may worry about when it says that youll need a fair bit of wedge. It also states that there are many things to do on your doorstep suggesting great ease, an important factor to youth. The Superfamily brochure uses informal yet informative language, like for the sporty among you. It is persuasive and serious, giving the reader a lot of reasons why the holiday is right for them. However in doing this it keeps a very friendly and approachable attitude as it wants to appeal to families. It states the many things that they will do to make family life easier, such as baby care and childrens clubs. Forever Young uses formal language as this is what appeals to a lot of the older generation. It is serious and informative, stating plainly what things there are to do and makes them seem calm for example it has a traditional, relaxed feel about it. This is important as most older people want a relaxing holiday. It is persuasive as it uses opinions about things like prettiest and traditional. Overall I believe it is very important for advertisers to use all means at their disposal to attract the target audience. They must choose the right presentational devices, the right language and the right style in order to convince the target audience to buy their product.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

I Was a Willing Participant :: Personal Narrative Writing

I Was a Willing Participant Toward the end of last semester, I registered for this class mainly for one reason: I had had Emily as a professor before, I liked her class and her teaching style very much, and I wanted to again take a class she was teaching. This was my first opportunity to do so, and I jumped on it. In the bulletin, the class was described as the Graduate Writing Seminar, and through the grapevine, I found out it was not a creative writing class, but instead, a study in critical feminist pedagogies.What the hell, I thought. Ià ­ll take it anyway. After all, I really just wanted to take another class with Emily, whatever the topic might be. Over winter break, I started thinking about who else would be in the class. I am sure some of the usual suspects would be in Dixon 432 on that first day. Sure enough, when I walked, in I saw Alicia, Megan, Kate, and Kelly, just as I had expected. Before that first day, however, the number one thought going through my mind about this class and the makeup of my classmates was, of course, just how many males would be in that room. For a while, I thought I may be the only one, but I shook that thought out of my mind pretty quickly when I reminded myself that, after all, this was grad school, and the guys here were actually open minded and weren't afraid to take a class containing the prefix fem. I was right. In walked to see Gary and Leon. I had had classes with both of them before, and I knew their ways of thinking, so I felt à ¬safe.à ® (Though I must admit that when Gary first proclaimed himself a à ¬feministà ® in Sharon Lewis' class last semester, my initial thought was à ¬this guy just wants to get laid.à ® That was stupid and wrong.) So here I was, one-third of a population of a class that was certainly not going to be the topic of discussion for the next 5 or so months. I was ready to accept that. The program here at MSU had given me many chances to expand my thinking in ways that I had not previously been exposed to, and this class was yet another in that long line.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Analytical Report on Business Organization Essay

Diamond  Stars  Group  of  companies      From:      CEO   Myanmar  Imperial  Clinic  (MIC)      Date:      Subject:                                                      04th  April,  2013   Analytical  Report  on  Business  Organization    Executive  Summary   In  early  2009,  Myanmar  Imperial  Clinic  was  set  up  by  Myanmar  Medics  Co. ,  Ltd. Because  of  its   extensive   range   of   medical   services   and   accurate   diagnostic   tests   by   international   recognized   specialists  and  outstanding  clinical  staff,  it  was  famous  and  generated  profits  at  that  time. But  along   with   the   competition   of   high   investing   clinic,   lack   of   control   of   the   specialists   and   insecure   environment   of   the   staff,   the   organiza tion’s   performance   has   declined   in   2012. Therefore   the   reputation  of  the  clinic  gradually  goes  down. So  that  in  2013,  Myanmar  Medics  Co. ,Ltd. was  being   acquisition   by   Diamond   Stars   Group   of   companies   which   is   operating   in   various   industries   in   Myanmar. The  organization  will  be  reformed  by  the  encouragement  of  our  chairman. Profile   Name  Ã‚      Location         –  Myanmar  Imperial  Clinic  (MIC)     Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Hledan,  Kamaryut  Township   –  8520  sqft   –  6  stories  building     Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  40  bedded  general  health  care  centre   ? 166  employees Compound  Size  Ã‚   Building  Ã‚   Type      Size Fifth  Floor Fourth  Floor Third  Floor Second  Floor First  Floor Ground  Floor Building  Information Ground  Floor   –  Reception,  Emergency,  Pharmacy,  Lab,   Cashier First  Floor  Ã‚   –  15  Outpatient  Rooms,  Waiting  Area,   Store Second  Floor  Ã‚   –  1  Operation  Theatre,  1  Labour  Room,   10  Inpatient  Rooms  for  OG Third  Floor  Ã‚   –  20  Inpatient  Rooms  for  Medicine  &   Child Fourth  Floor  Ã‚   –  1  Operation  Theatre,  10  Surgical   Inpatient  Rooms Fifth  Floor   – Clinical  Office    Proposal  for  the  Restructure  of  the  Organization   (1)  Long  Term  Plan/Strategy      Vision:  Ã‚  Ã‚   Being   a   provider   of   health   care   service   renown   for   compassion,   sympathy   and   respect   on   human  being  in  pursuit  of  own  healthy  and  well  being  state  by  applying  high  quality  tools   and   skilful   professional   in   ensuring   long   term   effectiveness,   MIC   stands   for   saving   your   money,  time  and  lives. Mission:   With   knowledge,   skill   and   passion,   we   all   do   value   and   respect   our   patients   and   clients’   desires. We  value  our  patients  as  the  way  we  value  our  professional. We  care  our  patients  as  the  way  we  do  to  our  family. We  practice  our  best  knowledge  in  our  work. Objectives:   To  increases  overall  satisfaction  rates  of  patients,  employees,  doctors  and  visitors. To  ensure  patients  receive  the  ultimate  care  and  medical  attention  to  bring  about  a  speedy   recovery. To  increase  range  of  services  for  customer  needs  and  demands. To  maintain  safe  and  hygienic  environment. To  achieve  99%  of  patient  Ã‚  feedback   To  provide  early  diagnosis  and  affective  treatment  to  all  clients  with  different  diseases. To  be  recognized  our  clinic  as  a  trusted  obstetrical  clinic  within  the  first  three  years. To  expand  our  service  in  diagnostic  and  treatment  year  by  year. To  improve  and  maintain  our  treatment  procedures  and  emergency  services (1. 1) ? (1. 2) ? ? ? ? (1. 3) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4   (2)Fundamental  Characteristics  of  Organization  Ã‚   (2. 1)  Old  Organization  Structure  versus  New  Organization  Structure   Our  organization  structure  allows  for  its  efficient  management. Here  is  the  l evel  s  of  management   and  the  activities  of  specific  departments  within  each  level. Old  Organization  Structure New  Organization  Structure 5   (2. 2)  Work  Specialization   To  achieve  competency  of  each  and  every  staff,  a  proper  and  distinctive  job  descriptions  is  vital. (2. 2. 1)  Marketing  Department  Ã‚   ? ? ? Survey  the  market  situation  and  changes  Ã‚   Analyse  the  customers’  feedback   Develop  Ã‚  marketing  strategies  and  mix (2. 2. 2)  Finance  Department   ? ? ? Manage  and  oversee  budgeting  Ã‚   Report   income   statement,   statement   of   financial   report   and   statement   of   cash   flow   to   executive  level   Manage  income  and  expenditure. (2. 2. 3)  Administrative  Department   ? ? ? ? Support  and  coordinate  the  operation  of  the  individual  department   Establish  hospital  policies  and  procedures   Perform  Ã‚  public  relations   Supervise   maintenance   service,   information   service,   housekeeping   and   transportation   services (2. 2. 4)  Human  Resources  Department   ? ? ? ? ? Perform  job  analysis,  job  description,  job  specification,  job  allocation  and  j ob  rotation   Recruitment   Training  and  development  Ã‚   Create  safety  and  pleasant  environment  Ã‚   Negotiate  with  the  visiting  specialists   HR  Planning (2. 2. 5)  Medical  Service  Department   ? ? ? ?             For   doctors   ? to   diagnose   problems,   prescribe   medicines,   be   ready   to   on   call,   to   make   regular  rounding  and  monitoring  patients   For  nurses  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  to  emphasize  on  nursing  care  Ã‚   For  lab  technicians  ? to  support  with  accurate  diagnosis  and  to  maintain  medical  laboratory  Ã‚   equipment For  Pharmacist  ? to  monitor  the  storage  and  quality  of  drug 6   (2. )  Chain  of  Command   â€Å"An  unbroken  line  of  authority  that  links  all  the  persons  in  an  organization  and  shows  who  reports   to   whom†Ã‚  (Myanmar  Imperial  College  2013,  Pre? Master  Course  of  Business  Administration,  p? 60)   In   a   clinic,   a   proper   and   clarified   chain   of   command   is   the   fundamental   requirement   to   maintain   and  precede  medical  procedures. Within  the  clinical  departments,  all  the  junior  medical  doctors  must  report  information  concerning   with   patient   to   senior   medical   doctors. These   senior   medical   doctors   have   to   report   only   the   necessary  complaints  and  patient’s  conditions  to  the  principal  medical  doctors. Master  Course  of  Business  Administration,  p. 62)   On   the   clinic   side,   the   span   of   management   of   manager   ranges   from   10   to   20   while   the   administrative  side  the  span  of  management  is  less  than  10. Our  organization  require  less  supervision  because  of   ? ? ? Daily  work  procedures  of  medical  staff  are  quite  stable,  routine  and  repetitive  (eg. History   taking  and  clinical  examination  and  monitoring,  injection)   Staffs  are  concentrated  in  single  location  (e. g. If  the  staff  suits  with  his  current  position  and   if  he  does  not  want  to  shift,  we  will  maintain  his  place)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Snow Falling on Cedars

How is the concept of the conflicting perspectives represented in the texts you have studied? In your answer refer to Snow Falling on Cedars and ONE related text of your choosing A conflicting perspective is a point of view of either one or more people that is generally subjective which presents a form of opposition in opinion. The novel, ‘Snow falling On Cedars’ composed by David Guterson in 1995 and the film ‘Crash’ composed by Paul Haggis in 2005 represents the concept of conflicting perspectives in different ways. Both the film and the novel convey the ideas of the social, judicial and interpersonal concepts in their texts through their characters and experiences such as Ishmael Chambers in Snow falling On Cedars and Jean from ‘Crash’. In ‘Snow Falling On Cedars’ Guterson addresses the idea of conflicting perspectives through a court case and then relates other people’s perspectives to the core plot of the novel while ‘Crash’ tells several different stories and then melds them together. Therefore through each composer’s use of sub plots, setting in the strawberry fields and techniques, the concept of conflicting perspectives is represented. The novel, Snow Falling on Cedars is a crime fiction novel which reveals a story about an investigation and trial into the death of a local islander on San Piedro. The book in itself characterises many sub plots such as the relationship between Ishmael Chambers and Hatsue Imada as well as the main plot of the murder trial. Guterson uses setting as a technique in order to reinforce his representation of conflicting perspectives in the novel. One of the main conflicting perspectives which are represented in â€Å"snow Falling on Cedars† is the concept of racial heritage due to World War II. This is political conflict which in turn causes distress in the everyday life of the characters within the book. The racial hatred between the Japanese and the Americans fuels many of the conflicts which occur in the book including the prejudice and urged conviction of Kabuo and also separating those in society who have different opinions. The war seems to change peoples’ perspectives on everything and Guterson represents a latent mistrust of the different. This can be seen in the novel as the repercussions of the attack on Pearl Harbour cause minor abuse of residential Japanese ‘traitors’ who are being arrested ‘in Hawaii and other places- and the FBI’s in on it†. Guterson represents the conflicting perspectives through the personalities of Arthur and Ishmael chambers who through their newspaper voiced reason and unbiased information over the war ‘Let us remember†¦ hat prejudice and hatred are never right and never to be accepted by a just society (Arthur) and this caused great criticism from the fellow islanders. â€Å"Seems like your favouring the Japs Art†. This can be contrasted with the characters of Etta Heine who sold off the land promised to the Miyamoto’s while they were in internment camp and also the boatman Dale Middleton who comments to Ishma el ‘suckers all look alike’ referring to the Miyamoto’s. The use of the strawberry fields within the novel highlights Guterson’s representation of the concept of conflicting perspectives. The fields are a superficial union of all the islanders with growers, pickers and packers working off the farm and the rest of the island attending the Strawberry Festival in town each year. The strawberry field represents one of the main themes in the film which is the idea that not everything is as it seems. The fields are symbols of richness and fertility and hold a sense of beauty in the fruit it produces however, at the same time the fields are cold and bitter to work on which becomes symbolic of the characters on the island. In ‘Snow Falling On Cedars’ there is a sub plot which revolves around the relationship of two islanders and this relationships represents the concepts of conflicting perspectives. The relationship between Ishmael Chambers and Hatsue Imada becomes highly significant as not only is the responder able to see the conflicting perspectives between Ishmael and Hatsue but also the conflicting perspectives which occur within Ishmael later in the book. Ishmael loves Hatsue and the loss of the relationship between them results in the hatred of Hatsue and a loss of compassion from Ishmael. They both have different perspectives on their relationship and therefore it was destined to fail, not only because of the racial differences but also because she doesn’t love Ishmael. This revelation is revealed to the responder through the hidden scene in the cedar tree. ‘It came as an enormous shock to her, this knowledge, and at the same time it was something she had always known, something until now hidden’. This quote also becomes quite significant as the relationship between Ishmael and Hatsue was kept a secret with their love filled meetings kept within a hollowed out cedar tree in the forest. Ultimately the idea that the relationship was kept a secret damned it because in order for their relationship to continue they need to be open about it but the relationship can only exist in secret. â€Å"†¦ we can’t go out, Ishmael. We’re trapped inside this tree†. The end of the book gives Ishmael the opportunity for Ishmael to resolve many of the conflicting perspectives in the novel with the evidence he discovered at the light house which would clear Kabuo’s name. However, the personal cost to him is enormous and it takes away something in himself when he comes forward to resolve it. The use of the cedar trees within the novel becomes an important technique when considering the representation of the concepts of conflict in the novel. The cedar tree is a place where Ishmael and Hatsue are able to pursue their relationship because it offers them a place away from cultural values and rules and gives them the opportunity to pursue their feelings. The tree offers them a protection from the realities of the outside world. The tree, like the strawberry fields is a symbol of tenderness and beauty. The tree however is hollow and has something missing and this becomes symbolic of Hatsue’s and Ishmael’s relationship because it signifies that it was never meant to be and that there was something missing from their relationship. It was hollow. The tree is symbolic of the two’s love as this is the place where they lose their virginity to each other. However, moments after this takes place Hatsue asks Ishmael to pull out as she feels that their relationship is over. She does not love him. The cedar tree is as much of a symbol of Ishmael’s love as it is of Hatsue’s love in cultural blood. The film, ‘Crash’ composed by Paul Haggis in 2005 represents the concept of conflicting perspectives. At the beginning of the film the responder watches several different characters in different sub plots creating several different stories which have no correlation to each other. As the film progresses the several different sub plots begin to meld into one and ultimately revolve around a single car crash. The film ‘Crash’ displays several different meanings of conflicting perspectives from the point of view of different characters and then displays how these perspectives can change when subjected to different experiences. This can be seen through the character of Jean who due to a car-jacking earlier in the film, has a conflicting perspective on race. This perspective becomes ironic in that she feel that ‘whites’ are more superior and do not commit themselves to such abhorred acts as that of coloured people. However when she takes a fall within her own home and none of her ‘white’ friends come to help her, it is in fact her Hispanic maid Maria who helps her. The responder is able to see the change in Jeans perspective when she comments to her maid Maria â€Å"you’re the best friend I’ve got†. This can be related to the character of Ishmael in ‘Snow Falling on Cedars’ as he too changes his perspective towards the end of the novel when he discovers evidence which could change the course of his ex-lovers husbands court trial. The 12th chapter in ‘Crash’, Protect and Serve, captures the films essence of the representation of conflicting perspectives where two characters, Officer Ryan and Christine are forced into a situation where they are both forced to face their conflicting perspectives towards each other. In the beginning of the film, Officer Ryan assaults Christine, a black women based on his external conflict of racial prejudice. Scene 12 â€Å"Protect and Serve† forces both characters to acknowledge their conflicting perspectives, giving them the opportunity to resolve this as Christine is trapped in her overturned car and Officer Ryan tries to free her. The scene uses several pan shots, non- dijectic and music sounds to create a surreal sense, as though the crash is a dream. This becomes important as the Haggis transforms the surreal sense to an immediate and high risk situation using mis-en-scene to create the emergency of the situation. As Officer Ryan reaches the car, the responder is able to see a series of shots which show the scene from not only Officer Ryan’s perspective, but also Christine’s. This scene forces Christine to face her internal conflicting view of Officer Ryan as an abuser screaming â€Å"no, not you. Anyone but you† at him when she realises who he is. The idea that Christine is ultimately forced to face her internal conflicts by accepting Officer Ryan can also be seen in the novel Snow Falling on Cedars as Ishmael is forced to face his internal conflict in order to be able to present the evidence to save her husband, Kabuo from conviction. Overall the 1995 novel, ‘Snow Falling on Cedars’ and the 2005 film, ‘Crash’ represents the concept of conflicting perspectives through the use of characters, setting and technique. The use of the characters Ishmael, Jean and Christine creates conflicting perspectives within themselves outlining how perspective are created and changed throughout the course of the text. Therefore In ‘Snow Falling on cedars’ composed by David Guterson and ‘Crash’ composed by Paul Haggis the concept of conflicting perspectives is represented.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Progressive era and its li essays

The Progressive era and its li essays The Progressive Era and its limitations In this essay I am going to first show the sources of progressivism. Then I will analyze and describe various reforms. Following I will get into the limitations of these reforms for certain groups of people. I want to show that even though the progressive era had been full of significant reforms with good intentions, it had its limitations as far as poor people, minorities and immigrants were concerned. I believe that this progressive era did bring many great and beneficial reforms but it did not always help the poorest and the minorities. The study of the emergence of modern America begins with the Progressive era which included the nations most vibrant set of reform ideas and campaigns since the 1830s-40s. Various aspects triggered the Progressive Reform Era. Industrialization, with all its increase in productivity and the number of consumer goods, was one of these aspects. It created unemployment and labor unrest, wasteful use of national resources and abuses of corporate power. The growing cities magnified problems of poverty, disease, crime and corruption. Influx of immigrants and rise of new managerial class upset traditional class alignments. On top of all of these problems, the Massive depression of 1893-1897 convinced many that equal opportunity was out of reach for many Americans. The Progressives arose from all of these problematic issues. These Progressive reformers were composed of several different groups: new middle class composed of young professionals, Muckraking journalists, political reformers and socialists. The young professionals sought to apply principles of professions ( medicine, law, business, teaching) to problems of society. They had a strong faith in progress and the ability of educated people to overcome problems. The journalists attacked corruption and scandal with a sense of outrage: Lincoln Steffens exposed city machines in The Shame of ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Tranexamic acid and it's uses in pre-hospital an emergency medicine Research Paper

Tranexamic acid and it's uses in pre-hospital an emergency medicine - Research Paper Example The acid should not be used because it works against clots and hence activates intravascular coagulation and platelet usage. If a person with DIC is administered with the acid they end up having end-organ damage due to microvascular pathologies. The unwanted effects of the drug include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension and disturbances in vision. Tranexamic acid is used topically. The acid is excreted in the urine (Twycross et al, 2002). Tranexamic acid has lately been used in emergency medical scenarios. Even though hemostatic dressings and tourniquets have prevented conditions such as hemorrhagic shock, the usage of tranexamic acid can have the same effect. This drug has been used for a long time in cardiac surgeries and bleeding disorders such as hemophilia. Now it is being used in taking care of hemodynamic conditions. A study by the name of Clinical Randomization of an Antifibrinolytic in Significant Hemmorrhage 2 (CRASH-2) tested 20000 patients with tranexamic acid across various countries. The results of the study showed that in an emergency trauma center where patients had serious bleeding, tachycardia and hypotension were given tranexamic acid. The recipients of TXA had a mortality of 14.5 %. Hence patients receiving TXA were at benefit. Another study is the Military Application of Tranexamic Acid in Trauma Emergency Resuscitation (MATTERs) was carried out which involved TXA infusion in an out-patient hospi tal. Tranexamic acid was administered in patients in which hemorrhagic shock was suspected. The results of the MATTERs study showed that individuals who received TXA had a mortality of 17.4% (Goodloe, 2013). Annually more than 500000 women lose their lives to postpartum events such as childbirth. Obstetric hemorrhage cause increased rates of maternal mortality. Hence systemic fibrinolytic agents are used in surgeries to prevent fibrinolysis to avoid blood loss after surgeries. A study

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Organizational Change Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Change Business - Essay Example The utilization and implementation of change management are needed to turn this company around. H-P since its inception manufactured computers as one its core business strategies. The organization is currently considering a spin-off of its personal computer business which generated over $40 billion yearly revenues. It is looking to move the company in another direction. â€Å"H-P has agreed to pay $10.3 billion to buy U.K. software maker Autonomy Corp. and scrapped its TouchPad tablet computer, moves that had sparked concern from customers and investors alike† (Worthen, 2011). The HP, tablets are a product that the company showcased for many years. There seems to be resistance to change among the managerial staff of the enterprise. Resistance to change can be defined as an attitude or behavior that shows an unwillingness to make or support change (Shermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2003, pg. 404). Mr. Apotheker was fired because he was unable to meet the financial expectations of the shareholders during the past three quarters. His tenure as CEO of the firm lasted less than a year. Mrs. Whitman has a tough task ahead as the employees, investors, and other stakeholders of the company are desperate for results. In order for her to be successful, she must change the organizational culture, improve the internal and external communication, and invest in research and development to bring to market the type of innovative products Hewlett Packard customers expect of the company. The second article chosen for analysis was How to Change Your Culture: Organizational Culture Change (Heathfield, 2011). I found this article insightful because the business culture of a company is the root that must be targeted when implementing organizational change. People get accustomed to routines, processes, and old technologies in the workplace. Changing organizational culture is a very tough task. The organization culture of a company is correlated to the managerial style of the decision makers of the company.  Ã‚