Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Women as Commodity - 8915 Words

WOMEN AS COMMODITY Women As Commodity Since ancient times, There people who are being sold just like a mere things sold in a market to be slaves, pimp, and its quiet alarming that even naive child is a victim of this kind of discursive life. Women have been also analyzed to be part of those bundles of things paraded, bidded for, sold, and traded off despite the fact that women are making huge contributions for the development of their countries in different aspects today, still women are being tricked as commodity. In Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing, not only focused on the love story of Claudio and Hero; the volatile relationship of Beatrice and Benedik but it also goes much deeper in exploring the tensions between the†¦show more content†¦Many female fetuses have been killed because of this method as couples whom prefer sons. One Indian said: It is better to spend 500 rupees (for amniocentesis) now than to spend 500,000 rupees later for a daughters marriage dowry. Japenese women feminists have decried thir countrymen who leave their wives walking ten feet behind him, thereby also treating them like commodities. Here in the Philippines, we have a history of various types of commodizing women too. Some landlords require their tenants to make their daughters or wives work in their mansions to render domestic services, maybe sometimes sexual services too, in cases when the tenant fathers are sunk in debt to them and cannot pay back. Wilhelmina Orozco learned on a research how some prostitutes in Olongapo suffer double exploitation when they cannot refuse their managers demanding sexual favors for them, lest they lose their chances of working in his nightclub. Even some orphanages engage in commodizing women. Their administrators trick the parents of rich pregnant women, ashamed of the stigma attached to unwed mothers, or those poor women into donating their babies to them which they then sell off to rich donors abroad. The term donation instead of payment for the baby becomes a smokescreen to cover up the commerce. Conclusion The concept of surrogate motherhood is becoming very accepted way of infertile couples to have a child of their own. Although it is anShow MoreRelatedWomen as Commodity8899 Words   |  36 PagesWOMEN AS COMMODITY Women As Commodity Since ancient times, There people who are being sold just like a mere things sold in a market to be slaves, pimp, and its quiet alarming that even naive child is a victim of this kind of discursive life. Women have been also analyzed to be part of those bundles of things paraded, bidded for, sold, and traded off despite the fact that women are making huge contributions for the development of their countries in different aspects today, still women areRead MoreThe Sexual Commodification Of Women1424 Words   |  6 Pagesthe sexual commodification of women. 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